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Chapter 1
7th August, 1958 , Flood in Taiwan
21st September, Earthquake in Taiwan
Using Tai Su Pulse diagnostic to predict such natural calamities
Chapter 2
Treat the negative impact of the energy sources from calamities such as earthquake, typhoon and tornado into positive usage.
Chapter 3
Through pulse diagnostic research in human body especially understanding dong mai and jin mai could predict occurrence of earthquake and typhoon respectively.
Chapter 4
Through observation of the face yue ling (12 periodic months) and qi se (auro of the face) could tell a sickness of a person.
Chapter 5
Collection of Luo sheng medication : The effectiveness of medication through experiences.
Chapter 6
Understanding the gui jin, either to enhance or reduce 5 tastes (sour, bitter, sweet, acrid and salty) through poetic verses and pictorials.
Chapter 7
Through the diagnose, the lacking of wu he and qi yin, appropriate medicine can help to balance the wu he and qi yin to prevent sickness and improves the health of a person.
Chapter 8
Purpose and illustration of using xi mian mei jie xiang (medicine for facial cleaning and beauty.)
Chapter 9
Exploration in medical field towards health care, beauty and other medical usage through acupuncture technique.
(Hypothesis of hyper space medication)