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集 錦 錄 十 四


中 華 究 院

Chinese Space Medicine Research Institute


Mental Adjustment Hall

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Internet Tai-Su Psychological Pulsation Diagnosis


Chinese Meridian Physiological Pulsation Diagnosis




The Description of Personalized Treatment of Traditional Chinese Medical Pulsation Diagnosis




Observing the Tao(law of nature) of heaven-earth, manifests in the three states (solid, liquid and gas), the stars form from the holistic Qi-Zhang-Shu-Ding, and so, the universe is formed, immerse in a big circle of Qi (it is more than energy, it contains Ying Yang and five elements, it is both functional and substantial), constantly vibrating and balancing, everything within the universe synchronizes and exists simultaneously, nothing can live nor growth harmoniously not in accord with Tao. Therefore, if beings experience imbalance and disharmony the planetary system will be destroed, a disharmonial and contradicting life will doom, water and fire are not mutually generating, life and dead are not unified, mountain and ocean polarise, water and earth attacking each other, heated earth will finally be transformed into sand,  low ground will be filled by water, until the nature and life completely lost balance or when polarization developed at one side , life will not be able to sustain.  Therefore, if clothing does not fit the season, thick in summer or little in winter, one will contract diseases if the clothing is impractical or wearing too little or sexy; indulgence in fine foods, cold drink and meal, wrong diet, medication and health care, fond of tasty genetic modified foods, sickness contracted because of indulgence in foods; the season of the living quarter and the cold & hot of the area, human being is not synchronized with the nature, experience either excess or shortage, easily contracted diseases; one’s action does not benefit others, indulges in bad affairs, minor one will affect thing, major one will contradict the heaven, how can human being is able to live in harmony with nature?  The human in the universe is like a cell in a human’s body. In fact, everything is like a cell in the universe. They follow the Tao in order to enjoy long life. The Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is based on meridian physiology, the Qi-Hua ( energization ; process of transformation from Qi to substance and vice versa) of universe, the tian-di-shen-chen-shu, weather, climate condition and the state of emotion. These constitute the theory of TCM pathology and pharmacology. It enables the patient is cured , whose disease is either due to lack of Yang Qi such as listlessness, fear of cold, forgetful, aching, tiredness, tinnitus and cancer, or due to lack of Ying Qi such as high blood pressure, diabetes and gastric ulcer. With holistic diagnosis and follow with natural therapy , it enables the human and the nature become one harmonious unit, acclimatize with the changing of four season, and then human will rarely fall sick again ( Generally, if one lives in accord with the Tao, it will not fall sick easily.  However, if one lives against Tao, it leads to illness or even death)




In modern science, most diagnostic methods of the so called legitimate medicine inflict injuries on the skin and muscle via injection and surgery and are both destructive and interruptive. The diagnosis is only looking for yang symptoms. For instances; diseases are diagnosed by symptoms of inflammation, swollen, ulcer, aching, fester and virus. Ignoring the ying symptoms and not consider them as diseases. In treatment of illness showing the yang symptoms, injection and medicine of antiphlogistic is effective. But to those who is asthenia-fire and asthenia-hot, pseudo-hot and real cold, such as influenza(decoction of ginger) of hidden-pulse caused by cold evil , influenza(decoction of Fructus Corni) of left guan sunken tight pulse, influenza(decoction for Regulating the Middle Jiao) of left guan sunken tense pulse, influenza(decoction of Ephedrae and Asari) of heart-lung-kidney sunken tense pulse, influenza with sweat (decoction of Cinnamomi) of floating-slow pulse in left hand, influenza without sweat(decoction of Ephedrae) of floating-tense pulse in right hand, influenza(decoction of Moslae Album) of floating-slow pulse by exposing body after having sex in summer or working in air-conditioning room, and serious viral influenza. The experienced doctor always advises patients to drink more water and take rest. But if the antiphlogistic injection or medicine is applied without care, it will possibly kill the patient. In TCM, the diarrhea experienced at 3 to 5 o’clock in the morning usually due to influenza with tense-slow pulse (decoction of four miraculous ginger for regulating the middle Jiao). For above-mentioned illnesses, prescription with over dosage of antibiotic to seriously ill patient will endanger his life. To less serious patient, the colon bacillus is killed by prescribed antibiotic and caused constipation. For tumor, or pain that is belong to ying cold, asthenia-hot or water wet, it is ineffective to treat with antibiotic because of the non-natural medicine is widely used. Some drugs are ineffective in killing bacteria or virus. They will mutate and develop into stronger strands. Sometimes the tumor will grow again after surgery. This may diminish patient’s likelihood of survival, and resulted to deformity (due to surgery). In countries where TCM is not widely available, surgery is used commonly and its side effect is rarely publicized. The side effect of western medicine should be widely publicized to enable patients to choose the effective treatment for their illness. (In this century, modern medicine and treatment should be natural, holistic and fundamental to eliminate suffering of the patients as a result of wrong treatment).


人體有病須從根本與整體和自然法治療。至於怎樣洞觀自然,而合於自然,又行於自然,這可先從生物學的發生研究。生物發生的起源,用中國《書經》說的洪蒙歷程而自然形成天地中的萬物使之定位立基;《易經》創先、後天八卦演譯推究理則,以水火互濟成事成物證定律;《中醫性命學》氣章經絡生理,了解萬物人體:生、長、壯、老、病、已、的出與入及因與果,依此三項來講最為了然。所以,從演化而言有三觀:大者宏觀元氣(內存陰陽五氣)化,成宇宙星體,來論恆動;小者微觀為形(光子、原子、粒子、元素)化,論變化;中者中觀為氣形化,論生命與和偕,故萬物之靈長的人,有生命與智能(五德)。在人體即《易》的八卦、水火、陰陽,由萬物之母的氣化到形化,共體陰陽,再加天地生成數的:、五氣運化,合陰陽五行形質與五行氣質成體。那麼屬形質體如骨、筋、肌肉、皮毛、血脈和鐵、銅元素等;屬氣質體的:有氣脈、感覺、思維和靈性。凡物都有氣性的氣質:氣、(氣性、氣章、氣場、磁電、光波等)、味( 酸、苦、甘、辛、 )、寒、熱、性來表現功用;人更具有陰陽五行氣質靈性等的五德:仁、義、禮、智、信,這五德根基都立在,可表現人的行誼與創造,及完成人最高心理的境界(黃中通理了,有心識而不用心識),於是萬物生焉育焉,人世間三立事功可成了。所謂是知行合一,可不而明,不學能行,故遠離矛盾積累災病;〝是陰陽統一能化,化則生生不息,脫除否定,生命入出都是陳榮沒有病苦。在生物體各有成毀,又各具有磁場,物體的成,是磁場(命門胞宮)點的氣聚合而具形;物體的毀,是磁場點的氣逆發生矛盾與病;氣章、是人體樞機,振而有聲成音,它還具有天地二五成數,掌控了人體氣脈開順逆為〝鑰〞,助成助毀可由它。也就是常人說的,神(自然)造天地與宇球,眾生物生生不息!人與物有病,使用醫藥自然平。說明:天地分判,生物成長,有性有情;和偕平衡,人天不病


When a person is sick, he should be cured and treated in fundamental, holistic and the way of tao. In regards to how to observe the tao, comply with tao and practice tao, it can begin from the study of origin of being. Concerning the origin of being, an ancient Chinese book Su-Jing, describes the ‘Hon-Mon’ process on how nature created all beings in the universe. I-Jing created pre and post Ba-Gua to deduce and study the rule, with the water and fire of five elements supporting each other to establish affairs and substances and confirming the rule; Another book, Chinese Medicine Property-Life theory through the physiology of qi-zhang and meridian, it brought understanding to the human’s birth, growth, strength, aging, sickness, death, in/out and cause/effect. From the above, the rule is understood. There are three views of development of tao. The macro view of yuan-qi-hua (energization; comprise ying/yang and five elements), the qi forming the universe and all planets. It emphasize eternal movement; The micro view of xing-hua(materialization; comprises photon, proton, atom, element),it emphasize the changes; The middle view of qi-xing-hua (energization/materialization), it emphasizes living and harmony. And so, the human live and possess intelligence (five moralities). According to I-Jing, the human life embodies Ba-Gua, water/fire, ying/yang. From qi-hua to xing-hua, ying/yang within, together with transformation of tian-di-shen-chen-shu’s water, fire, earth, wood and gold of five elements, combining the substance of the ying-yang-wu-xing and the wu-xing(five elements) qi, the human’s body is formed. The substances of the body are such as bone, muscle, skin, hair and iron, copper. The qi of the body are such as qi-channel, feeling, thinking and spirit. Everything possess both the substance body and the function of qi: qi (qi-xing (the essence of qi), qi-zhang, magnetic field, light wave, etc), taste (sour, acerbity, sweet, spicy, salty), cold, hot and property demonstrating the function of qi. Human possesses five moralities (kindness, duty, politeness, intelligence, belief). The five moralities are rooted in honesty and demonstrate the manner and creativity of human being. “Honesty” is the unification of knowing and practice. Knowing without being taught and practice without learning.  And so, human being can avoid the happenings of contradiction and the accumulation of calamity and illness; “Honesty” is the unification of ying and yang and its transformation.  The capability to transform promotes long life, avoids negativity, the in/out of life from the universe manifesting in the cycle of life and dead is peaceful and without illnesses. In all beings, there lies the generating and controlling mechanism. Both mechanisms have its’ own unique magnetic field.  The being is formed through the magnetic point (ming-men, bao-gong (meridian points)) where yuan-qi is stored and follow by the process of xing-hua. The dying of being is because contradiction or illness developed in the qi of the magnetic point. The qi-zhang is the human body’s critical part, when exerts, sound is formed and become tone, it contain the “he, luo” and “tian-de-er-wu-cheng-shu”, controlling the key of open/close, support/against, generating/controlling. That is to say, God/nature created heaven-earth and universe, the beings born and re-born continuously. When the human is sick, it will recover with medicine (the heaven-earth judges, the beings grow; with harmony and balance, human and heaven are always healthy).




The human from innate interaction,. ying and yang is the foundation of life and complete with qi (four types), property (five types), spirit and five moralities. From the nourishment of water & fire of five elements, it grows. The body from meridian to living structure; bone, muscle, blood vessel, organs, marrow and brain are formed and constitute a system, with meridian weaving through the body like electrical circuit and internet, enabling qi flows through it the body which comprises; physiological structure, qi, property, five moralities, spirit, magnetic, electric, light, pulse, sound, qi-zhang vibrates and move in synchronization with the sun (human, heaven, time and space unify and transform) provides life, magnetic induction (both heaven and human body has magnetic field), electricity, light, wave, heat, qi, color, sound and pulse (taste, blood) nourishing the body physiologically (biology), chemically and physically (human body is like a chemical plant, from particles transform into unlimited energy to particle return to qi-hua), qi and blood flow smoothly, human unify with heaven-earth.  If the human body is not harmonized in qi and blood in the process of birth, growth, strength and aging, contradictions and symptoms developed, prompting the conscious mind constantly affected by the flickering moods, for instance; consciousness, mentality, wisdom/foolishness, virtue/unworthy, love/hate and is easily agitated. Also circumstances of generating or controlling, feeling of glad, mad, sad and happy, the tendency/trend is ever changing.  And flood, cyclone, earthquake, thunder, war and nuclear explosion, etc affecting human body and registering in one’s pulse. This is because within the “ming-men, bao-gong” of the human body, it contains the “jing & luo” and “mai” which act as the sensors of the web, like a radar capable of searching and storing the signals of heaven-earth like qi, color, sound, pattern, taste, form and etc. in the “bao, ming”.  These signals fuse into pulse and appear as various types of pulses.  They can be detected at the meridian on the “san quan on both wrists.  They contain signals received from both internal and external of the human body through the “open and close of qi-zhang”.  One who takes the pulse on “san quan” of both wrists can translates the signals from pulse into patient’s symptoms, the state of physiology and mentality, the environment experienced and his conditioning and etc.  During season of typhoon/hurricane or earthquake is about to occur, the pulse is able to foretell their happenings.  Pulse possesses vibrating energy; appears in pattern likes smooth / unsmooth, sluggish/rapid, large/small, subsiding / floating, slow/hurry.  It also appears in wavy motion; long/short, high/low, strong/weak, rhythm, timbre/tone color (for e.g. five tones) and etc.  More ever, there is also synchronization and harmony; balancing, symmetrical, assisting, complimenting.  The pulse also appears in form likes; sequencing / countering, generating / controlling, excessive / shortage and etc.  It also contains property likes; ying / yang, cold / hot, asthenia / sthenia, surface / internal, symptomatic / root cause and etc.  These pulses appear on “san quan) of both wrist.  A good doctor can read the signals from pulses analyze and interpret them.  In contrast, the feeling and realization of the lack of honesty in patient’s pulse is provoking / irritating.  It comprises two extreme poles, the intelligent person think that this is an opportunity,  one’s heart develops the clinging feeling of love and hate, and one will not speak or expose his strategy and direction;  For those who are weak, anxiety, painfulness and frightening arise when sensing provocation, thinking of retaliation. When the strong is provoked, he will take possession and controls, consciously control his desire and objective. Those who is consciously aware of his feeling and realization, they will keep his love / hate emotion and hide away in “bao, ming” or transmit from “bao, ming” and expose.  TCM pulsation diagnosis is able to detect these phenomena.  This is because, in modern words, “Bao, Ming” contains “data stimulant”, within “Qi-Zhang” lies the warehouse of data.




The four methods of physical examination in Chinese Medicine: Observation, Smelling and Listening, Inquiry, and Pulsation are non-harmful diagnostic method. It is simple and quick. The TCM pulsation diagnosis can detect illnesses originate from meridian, physiological qi-hua and functions. The diagnosis is made through pulse, sound, color, qi and etc.  It is able to diagnose the illness developed from contradiction appeared in the body due to over / under, lacking / excessive of one’s oxidation from oxygen or food intake.  It can also diagnose diseases that are termed as ying (negative) reaction by modern scientific medicine such as cancer in lung, stomach, prostate and liver.  These cancers normally do not show yang (positive) reaction.  It will therefore delay the time of treatment and patient may lose faith of the diagnostic process.  TCM can diagnose symptoms in human body and determined the diseases through qi, color, pulse, sound and taste.  It can diagnose the diseases of yang (positive) reaction earlier such as cancer and etc.  It can also diagnose non-substantial diseases become yang reaction can be detected or diseases with ying reaction. Furthermore, using Eight Net diagnostic method, it can detect diseases originated from qi like asthenia, sthenia, cold and hot syndrome, or real hot, pseudo cold, pseudo hot and real cold diseases.  Comparing diagnosis of scientific medicine and TCM, scientific medicine is effective in diseases with substance, viral, worm infection, the shortage / excess of elements and surgical operation. TCM is capable of detecting both the substantial and non-substantial diseases with ying or yang reactions.  TCM excel in the diagnosis of qi-hua non-substantial diseases and the pre-natal and post-natal status of the human body and human’s pre-disposition, psychology, intelligence, weather, earthquake and etc.  It is also good in preventive medicine.




Nowadays, the modern scientific medical diagnosis inspecting the substantial disease by drawing blood, collect urine sample to determine the changes in organs. Diseases are determined through analysis of various reactions of the bio-chemical property of the blood and urine sample.  The interior mirror or mechanical instrument can only detect the substantial diseases but ineffective in detecting the qi-hua and functional diseases. How to distinguish the sign from syndrome?  In modern scientific medicine ( western medicine), the interior mirror is applicable for detecting inflammation, swollen, tumor in stomach and digestive system, or from exterior observation to detect shrinkage of muscle, bone that is caused by the diseases.  In TCM pulsation diagnosis, when “chier” pulse is floating and full with redness observed on the ear, these are signs of high blood pressure:  When enquiring a person who become hungry quickly, feeling exhausted without eating, these are signs of diabetes: By observation, a person whose right cheek bone is red, an evidence of lung disease: By inquiry, when a person like to eat pong bean curd or refuse to eat pong bean curd or pong food, these are signs of kidney disease: By listening to a person speaks with anger and abnormal tone, these are signs of liver disease: Speaking with tongue not smoothly, it is the after effect of stroke or the pre-sign of stroke.  The four methods of physical examination of TCM can distinguish the signs of symptom developed from qi-hua in advance.  Therefore, in identification of illness, discerning the signals of illness is quicker in diagnosing the illness than recognition of symptoms of illness.  For example, the difficult disease like elerythema, when the sign appear in the early days, the person like to curse unconsciously and become emotional gradually (contradiction developed in the function, mechanism and chemistry of the organs, it begins from the signs of physiological qi-hua developed in qi-zhang transmitted by meridian).  The patient’s facial color become dark grayish or like the color of clouds at sunset (evidence from color).  The pulse is thin and wiry and his pronunciation of certain words is inaccurate.  Mottle like the wing of balm cricket appear on the cheeks or the nose (diagnosis unable to reveal the symptoms of disease, they are signs of qi-hua with ying reaction). When his face appears lupus or constantly red, he is only confirmed to be infected by the disease when evidence of poison appeared in the result of diagnosis (substantial disease is formed).  The TCM diagnosis is to look for signs of qi-hua disease and the substantial disease.  The western medicine uses instruments for inspection such as checking of urine and blood sample,  The disease can only be confirmed after the substantial body is checked (qi-hua signs appear earlier than illness’s symptoms of the substantial body).   




        The Pulsation diagnosis of TCM is simple and quick. It can detect both the human body’s physiological disease of ying & yang reaction and the pre and post natal physiology, pathology, psychology, gay, anger, grief, happiness, character, intelligence, foolishness, capability, good or bad, relation with family members and the status of circumstances.  Typhoon, earthquake, volcano eruption, flood, storm and even nuclear war can also be predicted from the signs in the pulse manifested from the changes in human body’s qi-hua (zhang) magnetic field.  This is because there are differences in the vibration frequency of pulse of qi-zhang in the human body manifesting in patterns of floating / sunken, smooth / unsmooth, late / rapid, asthenia / sthenia, ying / yang, superficial / internal and qi-hua of the five elements.  These signals pass through meridian and reach the “san quan & liu bu of both wrists manifest in different pulses.  The TCM doctor uses the end of his fingers to read pulses.  From the signals of the pulses, he can diagnose the disease of organs and the emotion of the patient.  It is like using his eyes and ears to see and listen.  It is also like the scientific instrument showing the energy, color, phenomenon, electricity, heat, light, sound, wave and appearance.




The ancient doctor of TCM said: self discipline before manage people is the basic rule of ancient sage in managing people and affairs.  In the ancient times, the emperor should not only have good knowledge but also discipline himself to be calm, still, tranquil, considerate, gain and honest.  So, there is heart purification for the Confucian, discipline for Taoism and fixed observation for Buddhism.  The person who study medicine should understand what should be done and what should not ( to help heaven-earth to raise human, not to become an instrument for destroying heaven-earth).  And should discipline himself to become a sage with wisdom in order to treat patient.  Then he can become a supreme doctor and qualify to learn “supreme doctor’s pulsation diagnostic method”.  This means that the good doctor has self discipline, nowadays, he is called person with unique function.  He checks the pulse with his finger’s tip press against the patient’s san guan; chun, guan, chier on both wrists.  He applies his learned nei-qi-cong from his finger’s tip to the patient’s meridian on the wrist to search and activates patient’s vibrating qi in the meridian.  In the twelve solid and hollow organs and meridians, any hidden sign or bruise, blocked qi point or ill part, irrespective of whether it is substantial disease or sign of qi-hua, they will be detected by doctor’s nei-qi-cong as though like the computer’s vibrating frequency searching for the virus causing the qi-zhang to open/close and transmits the signals (the body’s qi-zhang is the zheng-qi, wei-qi, it synchronizes with the heaven-earth, it flows according to the nature’s clock, always timely, vibration in step.  A famous ancient book Shauo-Wen describes: the human body’s qi vibrates producing underlying tone, changes in accord with the rule is normal.  There should be reasons if it is not accord with the rule.  The tone vibrates in sequence of ten each and is called a chapter, only those sages with wisdom understand it), or else, when the strength of the symptom meets with zheng-qi, wei-qi the normal signal will not be generated, and the resistance appears in the vibration occurred.  The pulsation diagnosis is like radar, it can detect the symptom, bruise, and blocked qi point, also the qi, color, pulse, sound, intangible “qi-hua signs”, cancer , tumor and tangible “substantial disease”. Those hide in the human body will be detected by the signals generated and transmit through the meridian to the pulse. Different signs or symptoms in the body create different pulse. With this signal, the doctor can treat the patient correctly and the patient may recover easily.  Such TCM diagnostic method has surpassed various advanced diagnostic methods and treatments of western medicine.  TCM can also treat and cure metal disease.  It can also improve and right the defective genes which are currently pursued by western medical researchers.  How? It can be done by deploying the qi-zhang mechanism of the human body, harmonizing and balancing the qi-chang (the qi’s field).  In conclusion, personalized TCM treatment is about reducing the surplus and increasing the shortage of the patient’s body.  In future, when philosophy and science unify, treatment will begin from “life” and “gene”, medicine prescribed to treat patient who is physiologically unhealthy, mentally unsound, bad mannerism, improve his intelligence.  The development of superior pulsation diagnostic method in western medicine is still at early stage, hopefully, the medical scientist will develop micro electronic pulsation diagnostic device and acupuncture instrument in accordance to the TCM meridian physiology.  These devices may be installed externally or even internally on the critical meridian points, measuring the signal from the vibration of qi-zhang and transmit the signals to the connected computer for analysis.  Such devices will not only beneficial to the visiting patients, but it can also perform diagnosis for patients who are far away on the plane, ship or even in outer space.  It is also able to treat patients without visiting hospital, they can be diagnosed through internet.




In recent years, the study of cell by biologist has reached much smaller dimension. The research of frequency of nuclear vibration has achieved thousand billion per second. With nano meter technology, futurist claims that it is possible to change or control the property of biology of the living and the dead. It is also possible to transfer the biology of a human body into nano meter or quark unit and reconstruct them back to original body and capable of changing its’ character and destiny (This is somewhat similar to the property and life of TCM but there are also something different. It may not achieve what is expected in changing the property or human’s life now. This will only be possible when the unification of philosophy and medicine come true in future). It is also mentioned that human’s birth, growth, strength, aging, sickness, death and character already been cast in gene when the person is born. It is impossible that two persons have complete same features and so it is also applicable to diseases in human body. So, how can one prescription treat hundreds and thousands of patients with different diseases . Therefore, the treatment should be customized in accordance to the diagnosed signs or symptoms. The above statement of customized prescription for disease, changing one’s character and fate, are prediction from Nano-medicine and Biology-medicine based in gene’s research. It is only prediction and in fact not achievable at present. But in Chinese Medicine, the Chinese doctor had already done it in the old days. There are cases recorded in the Oracle in Yin Dynasty (Pulse Diagnosis of TCM was written by me, I am writing another book about cases rendition in Oracle). The TCM Pulsation Diagnosis is a personalized treatment for patient since the old days. The treatment and prescription is made in accordance to difference patients, fitting the times and places for holistic and functional solution. It is made in accordance to pre and post natal personal predisposition, and treatment can be of preventive in nature. In regard to changing one’s fate, character, psychology, consciousness, intelligence, goodness and badness, circumstances status, the trend to homicide or suicide, to bear a good child, etc., the Chinese Medicine can offer solutions. By tuning the critical meridian point of the human body’s qi-zhang, the defective cells can be recovered, the ying and yang of one’s unbalanced magnetic field can be rectified, the defective genes can be tuned and normalized. (refers to book written by me, Pulse Diagnostic of Chinese Medicine, Wan’s Tay-Suh Pulseology for Psychoanalysis), (disease of different nature should be treated respectively).


人體氣章氣為音之母,音有陰陽五行之音,合十節為章,以應河圖〞〝數,所以名叫氣章。〝氣章代表人體健康、強弱、災病,也是治療能補能瀉〝鑰〞。人體自出生來,具有健康樂譜,有不健康樂譜,有健康拔萃出類樂譜,也有健康不及與缺陷樂譜,以及強而噪〞〝弱而虛樂譜等等,有如二零零三年五月經聯合國公佈人體基因圖圖譜一般。人體氣章樂譜也叫氣章藥,分之如基因圖譜有萬與億,但是,氣章樂譜〞復正人體健康與治療,要比基因治療簡便而少難度。 中醫診斷治療的原則,是治氣變的證而不治形化症因為見症治療,或是檢查認有陽性反應認病才去治療,都是疾病形成嚴重了,在施治上大有難度,故作上的人,不待病人病症已形質化才去治療,那這已是半生半死的病人了。希望現代科技醫學家,趕快創發陰性反應能知病的儀器服務世人。 中醫治病,是要依據活人人體經絡氣化流注的數據(脈象或數碼)診斷治療。所謂人體經絡計臟有六條為陰經,腑亦有六條陽經,左右兩側相同;左右手各分屬三條陰經三條陽經,足也是分屬三條陰經三條陽經,這些經絡居左居右,都具平衡、對稱、上下相交,通接在手指、腳趾,形成人體經絡徑路成一整體,同天體軌道一般,天體人體契合,人體共地球及月球行四時,統統隨太陽時和太陰時共振,在彼此軌道上,還刻記有年、季、月、旬、日、時、分、秒、的記數數據,故人體脈博波動也是有數據的,更可以依據數理設定計算機程式的。 中醫針灸頭部經絡穴位區,結合解剖生理學,人體五臟會有許多反射區分佈在頭上,如語言〞〝運動〞〝學習〞〝記憶等區。科學醫家使用電子儀測試上述反射區為低波能的人,學習力不佳,未來易患痴呆和失憶症,或說是腦海馬體不全。科學醫家能同中醫脈診預早測診痴呆和失憶症的都是可喜的,但科學對這一問題只談及老人患症,其實青少年痴呆和失憶症的人更多,因為她與他體內氣章早經自伐〞隳亂了。今天社會開放,基因改造食物,全世界約有十數億青少年嗜食催情食品,所以不能禁拒誘惑,成為早禁果,或陷入自慰大軍,自造痴呆。中年人花酒應酬,醉以入房,絕精樂後,失憶症隨身了。這兩種患症的人,在中醫脈診尺腎關脾脈搏見〞脈時,速予施治易,待見治療太遲啦!至於預防和治療,在本光碟已有多處說明,請參閱。 中醫講究活人經絡氣化生理,所以注重四診及穴診氣脈變化認證治病。證、是疾病將要起生的苖竅、端子、證據,不待疾病症狀形成後才去治療,所以診斷見證治療,不僅僅是知症的病理,還涵蓋了病人的生理、心理、性格、語聲、行為、愛恨、學習、技藝、健康、容顏、環境、際遇、事業,以及六親關係等,都能合併病人疾病論斷說明,因為這些與病人致病是有直接關係的。至於化檢認症,必須見陽性反應的瘡瘍、癰疽、瘤癌、紅腫痛、是症等是謂看山是山、看水是水的認症診療法,而中醫診療法,是看山不是山和看水又是水論證的醫冶法。 例如:臉膚斑雲多,脾、肝、腎脈,調製有化合汞或水銀膏劑擦敷,會快速見到美的效果,可是不久斑雲症復現,其原本色素並未除掉,反而積在肌膚之下了,這是看山是山見症的診治法。脾、肝、腎三部脈,症狀有疲倦煩,見症作補益酒食治療,都不利出車、發航、與飛行,尤忌操作機械,此際速補腎臟的水津精液,你的環境會變成亨通,打仗勝利,謀利有獲得,這是看山是水的診治法。妳的鼻下口脣污青,當妳的小兒女胃腸泄瀉久久醫治不該怎麼辨?那先給妳做媽媽的作美容治療,祛除胃腸中的水、寒、濕,待口紅潤美了,小兒女的病自,這是看山不是山,看水又是水而母子之氣是相連的診療法。 恭喜妳家有女初長成,在校詩文琴藝都是甲AA,更具有關愛人的心,一天看電視播報新聞,見到居住前樓屋一位本已熟識俊男接受學業頒獎鏡頭,情不自禁地將手中書合了貼抱在胸前,她下意識自忖,自己眼波輪轉了,最好不要被人見猜,未想到忽聞爸爸在背後咳了聲,從此眉促不樂,不吃也不覺餓,容肌漸失光華,月信無有定期,檢查無病或說是肌無力,愈愈倦怠,復兼腸利,胸脅痞悶,藥與補反都沒效了。但從中醫脈診言,可涵蓋病人的生理、心理與環境的辨證識病來說,她是心埵雩雂f卻不言:〝心中有詩文,寫出難寄託;指上有琴聲,不好挑彈約〞。那麼心病要用心藥,最要打開她的心結,心藥、就是音樂藥譜,這是悠然又見高山水流的診療法。音樂代表著人類諧和的心靈,也是世界人共通的語言,聞聽到它善美的聲音,能復正人體脈搏與脈象,以及人體基因圖,並把人體損壞的細胞趕驅除盡。音樂治療藥譜曲列後,曲名《水山曲》,最好因病人素養性情,依照《七音略》四聲韻譜選韻音藥〞韻詞並唱,詞名《水山吟》。說明:中醫診斷,涵蓋病人:生理、心理、病理、性格、智愚、才幹、環境、通塞,以及天災、颱風、地震、人禍、兵燹、核爆、等等,都能由脈象診知。)《水山吟()》詞依照《七音略》內轉第十羽聲字紐藥性字韻撰寫:山青水繞,水綠山曲圍;水復甘泉,山重秀巒翠;攀崖松風聆,操舟採蓮肥險峰觀好景,堵聞幽蕙;甩愁離胸矣!拋思敞心扉。山水坦胸闊,姑娘暢懷未?(附治療演奏曲、下同)空愁幻想都是夢的人兒!須要堅強起來,甩棄鬱愁、拋卻悶思,那好水峰翠,勇行攀臨才能賞聞,那香菏肥藕,須要即刻架舟去採摘才得獲有它。詞、可依病人生活感受做多層次或淺白法撰寫












中醫音樂治療裁方譜曲的說明中醫聞診,即是聞五音診病,用五聲音符代替藥味與藥方來治病。中醫所謂的五音,即:簡譜唱名:12356,叫著五聲音階;角、羽又有半音,將角音弦按下 "",發為簡譜唱名 "4" 的音,將羽音弦按下 "",發為簡譜唱名 "7" 的音,是為七聲音階。五音每一個音都可以做起音,這五音每一個音又各有宮、商、角、徵、羽,計五五有二十五音符做治療。這五音還會絡通人體五臟、應四季、合五行;五行、更有生剋與補瀉的運用,尤以五音音符要入五臟及經絡才能發揮治療。






 音樂治療與音樂音符和音樂本草的說明:音樂用於治病自有人類以來就已有之,太古時候的人"歡而歌痛而吟"。相傳伏羲氏已造作五弦琴,到了黃帝內經便有五音診斷五音治療,史、都有記載。楚漢相爭,劉邦獲勝作大風歌唱:大風起兮雲飛揚,項羽戰敗心中痛苦,作下歌唱:虞兮虞兮奈若何! 虞姬接唱:漢軍已略地,四面楚歌聲,大王義氣盡,為妾何聊生!

西歐音樂的音符計有七個,稱著七音階,分別用七個英文字母作代表,它是:CDEGAFB,它的唱名是:1234567 。中國音樂五聲音階是:宮、商、角、徵、羽,唱名是:上、工、尺、四、合,加兩個半音也叫七音階,跟西歐七音階同。這五音跟人體五臟是通連的,它們是:宮連脾,商連肺,角連肝,徵連心,羽連腎。音樂治療,就是撿選這些音符,製曲鋪譜做治療的。
















本音樂治療法,經已與航天科學家謅議製中華神州一號太空站,開辦太空醫療中心,屆時打個手機電話來,會怏速地能為你裁方鋪製音樂曲譜或詞曲,你就獲得真正享有自由的身心靈氣的治療,清除你七情的病素,然後你自然遠卻沒有無奈後果性的醫療。音樂治療,會讓你永遠歡悅! 美麗! 健康!     


The qi-zhang of the human body, qi is the mother of ton e, the tone comprises ying and yang and five elements, ten sections become one cha pter, reflecting the number of “he-tu” and “luo-shu”, and so it is known.  Qi-zhang represents the health of the human body: strong/weak, calamity/illness and is also the “key” to nourishing the shortage and purging the excess.  From the day that one is born, the state of health is determined by its’ qi-zhang.  Every human body’s qi-zhang is unique and therefore its’ uniqueness is like the map of the genes.  The variety of qi-zhang runs into hundreds of million.  However, in medical treatment and healing of the human body, qi-zhang treatment is much simple than genetic treatment.  The principle of TCM diagnosis and treatment is to treat the sign of transformation of qi and not treating the materialized symptoms.  This is because the treatment of the diagnosed symptom is more difficult to cure as the illness has become serious. Therefore, those who practice superior medicine should treat before the patient’s symptom materialized.  Hopefully, with the advancement of modern medical technology, device that is able to detect ying reaction symptom can be developed in the near future, TCM’ treatment is based on the diagnosis and treatment of the evidence deduced from the flow of the meridian qi-hua in the human body.  The “jing luo” of the human body comprises six ying jing of zhang, six yang jing of fu, the left and the right side of the body is identical; both hands has three ying jing and yang jing.  Both legs has also the same number of ying and yang jing like the hand.  Whether the “jing luo” is on the left or right side, they both are balance, symmetrical, connected from top to the bottom, from finger’s tip to the toe.  This system becomes the “jing luo” of the human body.  The heaven and the human body correspond with each other.  The human body is in accord with the movement of the earth and the moon, and together move in tandem with the sun.  The data of the movement is recorded in year, season, month, day, hour, minute and second..  So is the vibration of the pulse, it also contain data and it can be organized into formula.  The head‘s meridian points of TCM acupuncture, similar to the anatomy of physiology, the human body’s internal organs have numerous reflective points located on the head, like: “language”, “sport”, “learning”, “memory” and etc.  The medical scientist with the electronic devices is able to detect defects like poor learning skill, susceptibility to parkinson’s disease and etc.  It would be good if the medical scientist can adopt the TCM pulsation diagnosis to enable the detection of the sign of parkinson’s disease at earlier stage.  However, medical scientist only discuss about the parkinson’s disease ignoring the symptoms of dull-witted and loss of memory experienced by large number of juvenile.  The symptoms are due to the qi-zhang of their bodies have been disturbed.  It is due to juvenile nowadays consuming increasing amount of genetically modified products and growth hormone which is widely used in poultry industries.  These could induce their sexual urge and indulging in teenage sex and masturbation.  Middle age men who indulge in hard liquor, having sex when drunk will only hasten the development of the symptoms.  In TCM pulsation diagnosis, when “slow” pulse appears on “chier shen” and “guan pi”, the patient should seek treatment immediately.  It will be too late to wait for the symptoms to develop.  TCM stressing the meridian qi-hua physiology, and therefore emphasize the four diagnostic methods and the meridian point diagnosis and treatment of the transformation of the qi-pulse.  Signals from the illness are the evidence, it should not delay treatment until the symptoms materialized.  And so, the diagnosis and treatment of the signals of illness, not only knowing the cause of the illness, it also embodies the physiology, mentality, character, language & sound, love/hate, learning skill, health, environment experienced, conditioning, career, relationship and etc. which can be discerned together with the cause of the illness.  These have direct relationship with the cause of the illness.

“The song of water and mountain” the word is according to the class of sound ‘Yue’ of the tenth chapter of “seven tone theory” (pronounce with both lips) and the words contain medical rhythm (mainly for treatment of kidney and liver, improve spleen and stomach, reduce lung’s Qi, increase kidney’s water, raise the source of fire of heart and kidney; nourish patient’s determination) : The green mountain circle by the water, the contour of the mountain hold the green water, oh! layers of water are so clean and tasty, ah! layers of mountain are so tall and green, the pine trees on the cliff swing in breeze producing crispy sound, rowing the boat to harvest the ripen lotus, climb the highest mountain to enjoy the best scenery, reaching the deep end to smell the flower scent, have the misery dispel from your heart? free your heart from the thought, have the heart opened as wide as the water and mountain? Ladies open your heart.  Worry for nothing and immagination are for the daydreamer, you must strong, in order to rid the worry and thought from your heart, the good scenary of the water and mountain, only the strong can visit, the ripen lotus, only immediate action to take out the boat is able to harvest.  The words of the song, is written in accordance to the requirement of the patients for treating their illnesses.  The meaning of the rhythm, word, pathology, psychology, physiology, the circumstances and the musical treatment score of  “song of the water mountaing” will be published later.



The following describes the common ailments.  If the TCM meridian qi-hua physiological diagnosis and treatment can be practiced on the holistic, fundamental and preventive basis, these ailments would not be mistaken as incurable diseases.  They can be cured by prescribing personalized medicine for their ailments.


此病中西醫認症不同,中醫屬兩腎相對功能病,左腎陰精愈虧損而低下,相對的右腎陽虛的熱性高升即陽性反應,是為高血壓証。因為左右腎氣血質量發生互變,右腎的陽氣脫離左腎陰血而突然騰飛空際,化做有似雲層雨又帶電荷,當此時環境約遇上另一個雲層雨也帶有電荷,便會發生雷電爆炸,有如高血壓暈倒,頭腦血管斷裂而積瘀血就難醫了。如果時服用中藥或針灸針刺,使爆裂血管與陰陽孫絡脈 (當針灸針頭氣或服用入經藥氣味的〝氣至〞,已斷裂絡脈兩端不停地抖動著,互為尋找對方接合,而且不會像顯微手術有錯接,癒復後創口僵硬,這時如中醫接骨般,細聞有聲,聲若有噪弱參雜音,表示是逾時治療,復合不良而難醫,今天可以使用電子測聲器助聞,若是聲響清脆,表示復合良好創口不結疤痕。)復合通暢,氣血恢復上下流注, 是救治的成功,在兩兩平衡互濟,使正副電荷統一,陰陽中和病好了。高血壓病在特別效果診療上,是要將左腎陰精的水津增補加強,降抑右腎的命火(溫度)入藏左腎腎水(精、津)中,或調汲坎戶腎的水入離宮心,同時要降離宮心的火來入坎戶腎,使腎中水裡有心裡的火,心裡火中有腎堛漱禲A兩兩平衡互濟,而與科學醫以擴大血管,使血液流慢和利尿治法,它跟中醫降壓治法不同,故中醫能治癒血壓病。對此病中國兩家早經指出,練中國太極拳、少林拳、氣功、靜坐功夫、卍字舞與脈理音樂,練得好與聞音聽賞,不僅能癒血壓高病,對很多病都能癒復。

High Blood Pressure

There is different view of diagnosis between western medicine and TCM.  In TCM, the ailment is due to contrasting function of two kidneys, the ying qi of left kidney depleting, in contrast, the heat of the weaken yang qi of the right kidney elevated.  This causes high blood pressure.  It is due to the contrasting changes in the substance and volume of qi and blood of the left and right kidney, the yang qi of the right kidney detach from the ying blood of the left kidney and elevate into space suddenly, transform into something like rain cloud with electrical charges, and at this very moment it meets with another rain cloud like full of electrical charges, and an explosion of thunder and lightning occurs, similar to a collapse caused by high blood pressure, it will be difficult to treat if it involves a stroke with accumulation of blood.  If medicine is prescribed or acupuncture is applied immediately, so that the ruptured blood vessel with the ying yang micro meridian ( when the needle tip’s Qi of the acupuncture or the Qi & flavor of the precribed medicine enter into the meridian reaches, both end of the ruptured meridian will vibrate violently, searching for each other to re-connect, and it will be flawless unlike the microscopic surgery which is prong to mistake, after recovery, the ruptured area will be firm and hard, like the TCM reconnection of broken bone, if listen carefully sound can be heard, if the sound contain noise and mixes with weak tone,  it indicates delay in seeking treatment, and treatment and recovery may be difficult,  the sound can be detected by the modern electronic device, if the sound is clear, it indicates full recovery and scar-less) is repaired, the qi and blood resume their normal flows, the success of the treatment is due to the function of both kidneys is in balance again, the unification of positive and negative charge, the harmony of ying and yang.  In specialized diagnosis and treatment, the fluid of the left kidney’s “ying jing” will be enhanced, and the “ming huo” (temperature) of the right kidney will be suppressed and store in fluid (jing , jin ) of the left kidney, or drawing fluid from ”kan hu” kidney and transfer into “li gong” heart.  At the same time, the heat of the “li gong” heart is reduced and transfer into “kan hu” kidney.  This resulted in the fluid of the kidney contain the heat of the heart, and the heat of the heart contain the fluid of the kidney.  Both are balance and compliment each other.  This is different from western medicine whereby drugs are used to expand the blood vessels to slow down the blood flow and increase the rate of urination in order to lower the blood pressure.  It is different from TCM treatment of high blood presure.  Therefore, the high blood pressure can be cured by TCM.  In addressing this ailment, TCM and Taoism have pointed out that practice of Tai-chi, Shao-lin, Qi-cong, meditation and ying yang dance not only can cure high blood pressure, it can also cure many other diseases.  




In TCM, the illness is due to asthenia fever (asthenia fire, pseudo hot) of the spleen and the stomach, because of over eating, it damage the qi and tiredness developed, unable to absorb the nutrition of the intake foods, blood sugar accumulated, the function of the spleen is lost, hence albumen appears in urine.  At the final stage, the finger inflames, the skin’s appearance generally vain, the skin ulcer is hard to heal, dark speck is hard to efface.  The supervened diseases are urine albumen, uric acid, muscleless, uremia, deficiency of immune system, syphilis, aids, black foot disease and etc.  TCM specialized treatment focus on healing the stomach and supporting the spleen, together with kidney and liver.  Earlier treatment makes recovery easy.  Practice of kung fu is beneficial in healing the illness.  Annually, the conference of the world medical society investigate the diagnosis and treatment in order to lower the blood sugar, insulin supplement but unable to heal the illness.  In fact the treatment increases the supervened diseases.

3、               心臟病


Heart Disease

Due to the wealthy living, over eating of fatty food damage the function of spleen and stomach, over indulgence in sex, taking too much drugs prescribed for chronic diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes, side effects accumulated and burden the heart, spleen and kidney and contradiction developed in the organs.  This causes the hardening of blood vessels and insufficient supply of blood which is due to contradiction developed between the heart and the spleen.  TCM specialized treatments include Decoction of Glycyrrhizae Praeparata(炙甘草湯)for curing spleen and stomach. For the lack of qi, yang, blood in heart, we can use King of Heaven Tonic Pill (天王補心丹), Chinese heart run disease (心奔證) and thrombosis血栓 should seek treatment early by prescribed medicine for specific ailment. Illness such as hole in heart is curable by TCM.


It is especially important to clarify that many people think that they suffer from heart disease when their heart beat abnormally, treatment from heart specialist is sought and doctor is mislead and the patient is diagnosed to suffer from heart palpitation, unaware that it is caused by the spleen qi, or resulted from the jing of stomach, it is necessary to diagnose and verify the signs before treatment, or else, the patient will be treated wrongly because of misinformed patient who mislead the doctor to conduct the heart disease treatment, if the treatment continue due to the wrong diagnosis, the patient may develop heart disease eventually.  In the circumstance where many people and doctors are unaware of the pathology of “jing luo”, and resulted in ignorant by many people who do not know that the heart palpitation is due to the strong vibration of the spleen pulse and is not suffered from heart disease.  There are doctor and people who may treat in accordance to the observed signs, when a line is noticed on the ear lobe of the patient and concludes that the patient suffers from heart disease, and refer to the wu-xing (five elements) theory to confirm that the heart disease is due to the heart’s fire is controlled by the kidney’s water.  In fact, the patient does not suffer from any heart disease, it is caused by the contradiction occurs in stomach’s yang earth or spleen’s ying earth and it affects the heart. By prescribing medicine to treat the spleen and stomach can cure the disease.  The above emphasis is for reference and hopefully, this will reduce the people suffering from heart disease.



Disease of High Cholesterol

Over eating of fat will accumulate, damaging the spleen qi, blocking the circulation system of liver and gall, developing into all kind of liver diseases, especially the cholesterol will   accumulate and reduce the blood flow, becoming the root cause of heart disease. TCM specialized treatment using Hsiehpurginginstead of Bu (enhanceand by this way it can heal several kind of liver diseases.  The treatment should avoid using liver extract albumen supplements, it would instead induce the growth of liver tumor.



Urine Albumen, Uric Acid, Uremia, Black Foot Disease

In TCM, these are classified as spleen disease, they are mainly due to consuming genetically modified foods, chemical additives and etc and damage the stomach and spleen. Medical check-up reveals symptoms of urine albumen, uric acid, uremia, and the toxin will damage the function of liver and kidney or the toxin may accumulate to toe that belong to three negative meridians (liver, spleen and kidney) as the black foot disease, If the illness is not serious and surgical operation has not been performed, TCM can cure the disease.




In TCM meridian physiology, the cavities on two shoulders are the door of the lung.  When human being is careless living between the natural and the air-conditioned environment, he can be easily injured by cold and moisture; or over eating and drink of cool or cold food and drinks, women’s womb is cold, men’s Han Yen reaching to lunglung suffers from the moisture and cold air and its’ combined effect, and develop into illness when difficulty in breathing out occurred.  TCM can cure this ailment provided that the spleen and the kidney have not been damaged.



Womb Tumor, breast Tumor, Liver Tumor

The main causes of these diseases are the meridian system of the liver jing is blocked and the blood in the liver not flowing and accumulate, and secondly, in the system of spleen and kidney, the yang qi accumulate and not flowing, The disease develops when blockages appear in the blood of the liver and the yang qi of the spleen.  The liver tumor spread very fast, but with the support of the pre-natal disposition, even when it is diagnosed that leukemia of advanced stage and the patient has only hundred days to live, TCM is able to treat and cure the illness.  The root cause of tumor developed in human body is that the body takes in various kinds of chemical compound and inter fuse with qi and blood and react, combine and form into toxin, The toxin spread to other parts of the body by the qi and the blood, when a particular part of the body or organ are weak, their functions lacking the supply of qi, the toxin will remain in the areas and develop into symptoms of tumor.  TCM specialized treatment calls for strengthening the zhen qi of the patient’s body, cut away the root for supporting the tumor growth, and causing the tumor to disappear naturally.  However, if the tumor is treated by means of destroying the cancerous cells, the good cells in the patient’s body will also be destroyed and difficult to recover, tumor cells will re-appear easily, that is why TCM treatment is superior.     



Head Ache and Spinning, Blurred and Moving Vision

Modern medicine diagnose as cerebella unbalance, related to inner ear, requires surgical operation.  However, it will not recover and over time the hand and leg begin to tremble, difficult in movement follows and develop into more serious illness.  In TCM, they are treated as the symptoms of liver jing, and the qi physiological mechanism of spleen and kidney is damaged.  TCM can treat the illness if the patient is not operated, treatment is focus on the spleen, kidney and liver and it is curable. Therefore, it should not be treated as incurable disease.



Stomach and intestines’ cold and hot and easily diarrhea

Patient with these symptoms, most of them suffer hancoldaccumulate in intestines, the spleen and stomach are bother by asthenic fever and water moisture, one diarrhea is because eat or drink cold food and drink, and feces like egg whiteone diarrhea is due to late eating of long cooked food such as egg, milk, soya bean milk, icy, deep fried and food that is hard to digest. Easily diarrhea after eating. these two symptoms can be seen frequently on the plane ,bus, meeting lunch boxes, school lunch boxes and quick eating. Media often explain that the food is not clean, that is one of the reasons, the other is cold accumulates in patient’s intestines and hot and moisture accumulate in spleen and stomach and unable to digest cold and hard to digest food. It is hard to find virus in the feces when send for analysis.  TCM can cure by prescribing medicine for specific ailment, warming the spleen, stomach, lung and intestines. some people consuming eat and drink cold food and drink, intestines suffer disease of blockages(腸結梗阻症) unstopable vomiting and diarrhea, perform appendectomy by mistake and griping pain still persist.



Eating Cold Food, Catch a Cold, Irregular Menses

Subject to windy, cold, cool moist environment, one not geting use to air-conditioning environment, consuming deep fried, hot & spicy and hard to digest food, for women, it would affect her personal irregular menses, and most important is that it causes all kind of diseases, especially in the country where sanitation and western medicine are developed, emphasis on eating and drinking cold and aseptic food, for women whose inborn body with cold property, is prompt to suffer irregular menses,  must take good care of themselves. At the present, women suffering from irregular menses and pain is the most in number, mainly due to consumption of cold food and drink at wrong timing, or stay too long in air-conditioned room and symptoms developed. The women body of tissues and organs related menses are especially complex, it should cure by pulse diagnostic of TCM eliminate the moisture, cold and cool from the body.


The above-mentioned is to detect the disease of twelve jing and internal organs by pulse diagnosis, and also the strength and weakness of both the inbornpostnatal physical stature, and match with the time and location to cure by personalized prescription for specific ailment., or practice preventive medicine. Our aim is to explain the differences between TCM and western medicine in terms of, physiology ,pathology, diagnosis and treatment, it may assist patients or web mates not to be frightened by diseases, we should understand how to cure ourselves by the application of scientific medicine and ethnical tranditional natural physiotherapy. We hope phamaceutical enterprise can produce the special medicine to save the suffering of human by understanding TCM natural medicine and pathology.



      Chinese Medicine Tay-Suh Pulseology for Psychoanlysis


1、  先天體格健康檢查


Inborn Physical stature health checkup

Inborn physic is inherited from parents. If there are ailments in the body and diagnose earlier, couple with post-natal diagnosis and treatment, one’s diagnosed inborn physical statute, combined with pulsation diagnosis, we can deduce and forecast one’s meridian physiological qi-hua flow.  If its flow does not synchronize with the planets in the universe, one’s health may suffer from ailments at particular month or year.  One can treat and prevent its happening with customized prescribed medicine, and it can also avoid calamity.  The intestines and kidneys are also named as jing of sun, TCM approaches preventive medicine on holistic basis, there is significant different from the localized preventive medicine as known today. 


This is not fatalism or fortune-telling, it is TCM Tay-Shu Pulseology Verification’s scientific medical treatment, as well as “Zi wu Liu Zhu”, “Ling Gui Ba Fa”, “Wu Yun Liu Qi”, “Shang Han Lun” the resonation of the six qi of human body and the celestial body, compatible with the developed scientific nano medicine.


If you like to study the preventive treatment method, please provide the accurate year, month, day and hour of birth of the western calendar or the Chinese Lunar Calendar (西元或中華夏曆), country of birth, global time zone and the location, then, you can practice personal health care and treatment.  Alternatively, you can refer to or refer to the compact disc “TCM I-Philosophy Space Medical Institute Pulsation Diagnosis of Typhoon earthquake and The Way of Avoidance”.

2、  選開經穴旺時吉時種子法:解剖生理學所談的人體基因染色體叫著科學遺傳學,而最有名的門德爾遺傳學理還有很多異外問題,故有人欲生男育女而不得懷孕,或欲獲優秀子嗣而不能生麟馨,其故何在?不知世上有多少續補門德爾遺傳學者,迄今未見完成,這在中醫很容易明白它的原因。

The method of choosing the prosperous and auspicious time of meridian point opening for egg fertilization:  The physiology of anatomy describes the human genetic chromosomes as genetic science, and there is still lots of issues pertaining to the famous Mendel genetics.  Therefore, what is the reason why those who desire to bear children but unable to do so, or desire to have outstanding offspring but unsuccessful?  There are many scholars who continue to contribute to the Mendel genetics but have yet to succeed until now.  TCM is able to explain the causes.


From TCM’s pulsation diagnosis, we can understand which meridian is controlling the bearing of a healthy, intelligent child.  However, if the pulses appear inferior, one can never bear a good child.  However, a good child can be conceived after one is being treated by TCM.  If one wishes to bear superior child, one must has superior pulses and it must matched with auspicious time, which in turn must match with the physiology of five elements of the body.  Generally, husband holds the key but it would be better if the couple match. 

欲究問種子生男生女的問題,參閱上述1、及前述雅虎網站說明,開出 您正確出生的太陽或是太陰的年、月、日、時,並依據您先天體性,同時能參閱中醫脈論最美,即使不能參閱脈論,也可給您先天生理不及的或缺欠的地方,可用後天自然方法藥補起來,是將人體堬梒棠擗ㄕn的細胞和基因,醫正為善美的遺傳,因此大為有利您參考今天科學醫藥助妳人工受孕得生麟馨,否則人體無佳脈人工受孕亦不見功效

If you wish to enquire about any issue of child conception, kindly refers to above item no.(1) and explanation provided in the stated Yahoo website and submit your accurate year, month, date and time of birth of the solar or lunar calendar.  With reference to the data of birth and the TCM’s pulsation diagnosis, a detailed analysis and treatment can be provided.  However, if one’s pulses are unable to be taken, it is still possible to provide analysis of the condition of the pre-disposition of one’s innate body.  Any insufficiency deduced can be improved with the prescribed natural herbal medicine, and is able to cure bad cells and genes in the body.  Indeed it is essential to enquire about the scientific medicine in assisting the conception of superior child.  Otherwise, if the pulses are inferior, it will not be effective even artificial insemination is applied.

3、 出車大吉


Auspicious Driving

Such topic is not superstitious but scientific.  If one having bad mood, irritated easily, one is prompt to accident when driving.  When one is in bad mood or even in good mood, and the diagnosed pulse is unsmooth, wiry, running (濇、弦、動) or strong and noisy, it is good for one to be careful when driving.  The advance scientific treatment with TCM in accordance to the diagnosed meridian physiology, mentality and character enabling the zheng qi fills the body, pulses are in balance, all angers, calamities and illnesses are eliminated, then all is in peace.

4、 丈夫先生下班為何不歸家


Why husbands do not come home after getting off duty

It may be because spots, fleck and pigmentation on one’s face; or over-eating; discord of liver and spleen; fire pent-up in the body; poison accumulates and it secretes smelly substance from between of two eyebrows, nose tip, life gate and ear-root, causing discomfort to husbands, even the husbands are unaware of the reason why they are reluctant to go home.  Please refers to the description on the above-mentioned website for DIY “facial cleansing and beauty incense” according to the symptom, apply it to the face for a while and then wash it away.  The face will emit fragrant smell from the above-mentioned meridian point s and refresh the heart, spleen and relieved worry.  Meanwhile, one’s fingers which come into contact with incense, the fingertips’ meridian points will emit fragrant smell after wash and it will linger on even till the next morning.  One can also apply it to remove the make-up and it can cleanse oily substances before make-up. If the incense is being used twice or thrice a week, the skin will become smooth.

5、  腫瘤良性惡性自己診測法

腫瘤不分良性與惡性,都可以自己動手診  測,約須五分鐘便能診知,比摸診腫瘤更簡便快捷,且不傷損肌膚。自診法於下:

Self-examination of benign or malignant tumor

Tumor irrespective of whether benign or malignant, we can be examined by ourselves.  It takes about 5 minutes, it is simple than examine by stroking and does not injure any tissue.  The method is as follow;

(1) 以手摸腳內踝骨上二寸處,即自己兩橫指幅上方,摸按骨上似有如沙痕蝕損痕跡,或按作痛,表示人體將生或已生長了腫瘤。

Use hand to touch two inches above the anklebone, or the width of two fingers placed horizontally.  If it feels as though a track etched by sand or aching when pressed upon, that means tumor is developing or has already developed in the body.

(2) 立正,兩腿直立,雙手臂自然下垂,中指貼腿中線盡處為點,然後移手大指與起點成平線,握按腿股前側的外側;隨之移中指至腿股後,與腿股前點平線對按在腿股的後側;這時兩腿股微彎屈,感覺前後大中指下有筋肌挺起;此際放鬆腿肌,或躺或立,自然鬆直,按筋肌內外兩側;按有痛感表示患有惡性腫瘤或癌疾。又憑前點為平線,移指腿後正中點偏外一指按之痛,亦表示患有惡性腫瘤或癌疾。

Stand straight, two legs upright, two hands drop naturally on both sides, middle finger stick on the mid-line of the leg and find the end point.  Then move thumb horizontally from the established starting point, hold and press against the outside of front leg’s muscle; next, move middle finger to the back of the leg, press on the back side of the leg ‘s muscle symmetrical to the front point of the leg’s muscle; now , bend two legs a little and feel the muscle arise under the front thumb and the back middle finger; then, relax the leg’s muscle, you can either lay down or stand up, relax and straighten naturally, and press the inside and outside of the muscles.  If it is hurt when press upon, that means suffering from malignant tumor or cancer.  Again, based on the established front point as a horizontal line and move finger to slightly out from the point of the back of the leg, if it is hurt when press upon, it means also one is suffering from malignant tumor or cancer.

(3) 以手掌根值放在膝蓋臏骨下沿齊,手指全拼攏貼在膝蓋前上,然後將大指伸直下移膝內約四十五度,大指端盡處為筋窩,按之痛表示男子前列腺炎腫,女子子宮生腫瘤。依此按肺俞痛是肺生腫瘤,按肝俞痛是肝生腫瘤。又法按手無名指近掌根節中央處痛,二按無名指與小指叉正下肉隆起中痛,亦表示人體生有腫瘤或癌病。

Put the root of the palm straight on the knee cap, all fingers close together covering the knee, then, move the thumb to about 45 degree inside of the knee. If it is hurt when thumb press against the muscle cavity that means inflammation of the male’s prostate gland or tumor of the female’s uterus.  If one press the “Lung Yu” and ache is being felt, it means suffering from lung cancer, while ache is being felt when “Liver Yu” is press, it means suffering from liver tumor.  Additionally, press the ring finger near the middle of the root of palm, another is pressed the protruding muscle between the ring finger and the little finger, if pain is felt, tumors or cancer are growing in the body.

(4) 以上按診穴點處越痛,表示腫瘤明顯與病度也重,壓痛感痛度輕,表示腫瘤尚在進行發生,這時檢查可能不見形跡。這是氣化病發病在先,形質病病灶發生在後,這種按穴試診法,提供了預早認知氣化證的醫治,不致失卻癒病病機的時機。現代儀器檢查腫瘤,對肺癌胃癌肝癌不易查出,據諸檢查報告的說明,腫瘤在一公分大小時,也不容易照出來。

If acute pain is being felt when diagnose by pressing the meridian points as mentioned above, the more acute and obvious of the tumors.  If the pain is light, it indicates that tumor is in the process of formation.  At this stage, it would not react positively to any testing.  This is because the qi-hua disease occurs first, and substantial disease develops later.  Such diagnosis by pressing against the meridian points provides early treatment to the qi-hua symptom and without losing the time and the opportunity to cure the disease.  The modern diagnostic methods for tumor is difficult to detect the tumor of lung, stomach and the liver and according to the description in the test report, it is difficult to detect tumor of size less than one cm.

(5) 凡是自檢壓穴有痛感,是將要發生腫瘤病的人,可在壓穴痛點上多施針與灸,或透射紫外線光熱,或常使指按壓注以人體氣章磁溫貫通肌膚,也能達到保健與消除瘤腫的。痛點既為診斷點也是治療點。

Whenever pain is being felt as self diagnosis is performed by pressing the meridian point, it indicates one is going to suffer from cancer.  However, the tumor can be cured if acupuncture is used on the said meridian points, or apply heat by ultra violet light on the spot, or use the thumb to press against the said spot regularly enabling the human body’s qi-zhang magnetic heat filter through the skin.  The spot of pain is also the spot for treatment.  


We hope that the web mates who experience the above-mentioned problems can refer to Tay Suh pulseology and method of egg fertilization, self diagnosis of tumor, aware of one’s qi-pulse is smooth, safe to drive or taking a plane, ensure family in harmony and peace, also aware of self diagnosis and treatment of one’s pre-natal and post-natal pre-disposition, able to practice preventive measures in advance, benefits one self and also helping others. 



Health care and beautification by drinking organic tea



Whoever can control her health can control her beauty, youth and energy, because the foundation of beauty is health; because of health, beauty, youth and energy, then one can succeed in business, possesses power and influence, accumulates wealth , and enjoy prosperity and happiness. Otherwise, wealth and power will not belong to you anymore.  Would you like to be healthy and beautiful? Please refer to the method of treatment of organic “Tea”, one of the seven essential things in every ancient Chinese household.


Most of the traditional medicine and diet of the Chinese are derived from natural herbs and cereals, like drinking tea for healthy living, antidotal, and nourishing qi and blood, benefiting the body and pleasing the mind. The Chinese often offers guest with tea, same like coffee offers to the guest in the west. But tea is effective in improving the brain and eye, dissolving fat, lowering pressure, and reducing cholesterol and eliminating accumulated toxin from food intake, blood cleansing, recovery from diseases and beautification (according to the research by Harvard and the Medical College of Hong Kong University, tea contains Catechu(兒茶素), one of 黃酮素, which can reduce the cholesterol absorption by bowel and stomach, increasing the secretion of bile, decreasing the level of cholesterol in the blood, moreover, it can prevent the oxidation of LDC accumulated in vessels and prevent thrombosis).


But there is similarity in appearance between Chinese tea and Western tea, Western tea( nowadays is not planted in China, mainly plants and drinks in the equatorial areas) is more bitter, cold and cool than Chinese tea.  Both tea after blend and mix into drink, can be used to improve health, disease prevention, beautification, dissolving fat, antitoxin and etc.  During ancient times, In China, there was a sage who tested hundred of herbs, and was poisoned seventy two times in one day, he was safe by using tea to neutralize the poison.  Before 1676 B.C. when dynasty shang has not been established, the cook of the empress-to-be invented the herbal drink/soup.  He became one of the senior pioneer ministers in Dynasty Shang, and continued to become the prime minister of next four emperors.  His tea was blended and mix with herbs can prevent human body suffering from the effects of the weather, disease prevention, and is also good for beauty and health; A number of prescriptions are listed below, it is something like the herbal teas sold by Chinese around the world, but the effect is different, the different is one can choose the herbal tea according to the symptom.  One can choose the herbal tea that is most suitable, and add water, either boil it or just blend it, one can also sweeten with organic sugar.



1、                您依症狀自診選購適合您飲用的茶飲,注明名稱,如《頭痛驅暈茶飲》,或兼選《月經不調茶飲》,可照說明飲用。

2、                您飲用茶飲有效果了,但還有茶飲以外的證象併發顯露出來,您想依症狀重新打造調製茶飲劑,說明症狀名稱,願意付給所需工系等費用,可專為您調製對證茶飲。

3、                選購茶飲種類款數,注明投遞方法,如:郵政航空掛號、捷運航空快遞(未開辦地區請勿選)、任選一種為主,因航遞有遠近的不同,所需費用也不一樣,可能郵資會超過茶資,請務必一次投寄足額寄到,否則如發生郵遞困難,責任由購者自己負責。

4、                寄款方式,一由郵政匯遞,二由網上銀行匯遞。

Illustration to tea selection and drinking:

1 You can choose the tea that is suitable to the your diagnosed symptom, taking notes of the items, for example, Headache and getting rid of giddiness tea or with emmeniopathy tea , drinking as illustration.

2. Your selected tea is effective, however, other inter-current symptoms emerged, and you want to re-blend the tea based on the emerged symptoms. Arrangement can be made for your request if the symptoms are provided and willing to pay a small fee.

3. Select the tea and name the quantity required, select the delivery method, such as registered air mail, or courier service (please do not choose service not available in your area.) choose one method at will. Due to the difference of distance and charge, the delivery charge may be higher than the tea, you must send correct amount, otherwise, you should take full responsibility in case the tea ordered dose not reach you.

4. Methods of remittance: either by mailing the draft or remitting through internet.


茶 飲 種 類 與 適 應 證 說 明

The description of category of tea and the symptoms


(A)        頭痛驅暈茶


(A)      Headache and getting rid of dizzy

101 the pain of the top of the fore-head 102 the pain on the top of the head 103 the pain on the back of the head 104 the pain on the left side of the back of the head 105 the pain on the right side of the back of the head 106 the pain on the left side of the top of the head 107 the pain on the right side of the top of the head 108 the pain on the left angle of the head  109 the pain on the right angle of the head 110 the indistinct ache on the fore-head 111 the distinct pain on the fore-head 112 the pain on the left eyebrow bone113 the pain on the right eyebrow bone 114 the pain on the left eye socket  115 the pain on the right eye socket 116 dizzy when squawk down 117 dizzy when stand-up after squawking 118 giddiness as going upstairs or mountain-climbing 119 sudden giddiness like needle and pain  120 giddiness as getting up from bed 121 giddiness and turning when looking at objects 122 anemia induced giddiness 123 giddiness caused by deficiency of qi 124 giddiness due to the elevation of yang qi of the liver 125 giddiness due to high blood pressure126 pain and giddiness due to kidney deficiency 127 pain and giddiness due to sperm ejaculation in sleep 128 pain and giddiness due to yang qi failed to elevate.

據美國、日本、荷蘭及世界很多科醫家研究報告,不分那類頭痛、頭暈都與血和血管有關係,飲茶可預防血栓、血管硬化、腦溢血的中風的頭痛頭暈症。飲茶能緩解血液粘度,暢利血管和微細血管,這都是紅茶、烏龍茶等中的茶多酚、鉀、類黃酮的功效。茶又含有鐵、鈷具造血和升高白血球的功能,所以能癒貧血與受到放射性的頭疼。茶中自然鈷對人體有易無害,故能抑制人工所為各種放射性給人體致病的傷害,又能做搜毒前鋒和解毒的華陀。中醫謂茶的性氣上升頭目,故治風動性的頭痛,以及臟腑所屬諸脈性的頭痛。According to the research reports of US, Japan, Holland and many scientists in the world, all of the headache and giddiness are related with blood and blood vessels. Tea drinking can prevent the headache and giddiness due to thrombus, vascular sclerosis, and cerebral apoplexy. Tea drinking can reduce blood’s viscosity, Smoothen the flow of blood vessels and capillaries, and these are the effects of 茶多酚、Potassium、類黃酮 in black tea and oolong tea etc. Tea contain Fe and Co which having the function of blood making and increase the white blood cells, thus it can cure the headache due to anemia and radiation. The organic Co in tea is beneficial and harmless to human body, therefore, it can restrain the pathogenic damage in human body by artificial radiations, and it also acts as the agent of poison cleansing. TCM explains that the qi of tea elevates to the head and eyes, thus, it can cure the headache caused by wind and due to meridians of the organ.


B  傷風感冒茶


B   Tea for curing colds

201weeping  202 running nose with green discharge 203 running nose with yellow discharge 204 running nose with thick discharge 205 eyes’ discharge 206 eyes’ oily discharge 207 cough 208 phlegm209 yellow phlegm 210 white phlegm 211 green phlegm 212 red phlegm  213 black phlegm 214 foam phlegm 215 jelly phlegm 216 fear of cold 217 fear of the wind 218 fear of heat 219 stuffy nose 220 cold teeth 221 cold tongue 222 heat in the oral cavity  223 the oral cavity fester 224 halitosis 225 the tastelessness 226 bitterness 227 the fur on the tongue pale 228 the yellow fur 229 white and thick fur 230 the lip is black and blue 231 the lip is pale 232 the lip is red 233 cracked lip 234 green palm 235 the palm is pale 236 the palm is cold 237 center of the palm is hot 238 a headache 239 dyspepsia


Influenza generally is divided into two types i.e. the traditional six qi and the virus of medical science: for the virus of medical science, there is 茶多酚 or also known as 兒茶素, which is effective in restraining the viral influenza, but is also effective in restraining the viral cancer and AIDS. Six qi is six kinds of exogenous factors like wind, cold, heat, dampness, dryness, and fire which is the cause of influenza in TCM. 


C   消化不良茶


D   Dyspepsia Tea

301 no appetite 302 do not feel like to eat 303 hiccups 304 vomit sour discharge 305 stuffy chest 306 angry easily 307 bad mood 308 abdominal distention 309 abdominal ache 310 abdominal lump 311 the pain on the side of upper part of the body 312 force one self to drink 313 fear of eating icy stuff 314 cold hands 315 cold feet 316 fear of cold 317 fear of cold 318 lacking energy and reluctant to move 319 frequent urination 320 the stool is sparse 321 the intestines enteritis 322 the blood in stool 323 hot temper 324 qi of heart is low  325 the pit of the stomach cold 326 vomit clear water 327eating greasy, fried and deep-fried food easily full to distend 328 skinny 329 stomach ache330 an operation on stomach331 an internal injury 332 invisible injury


In the survey of tea facilitates digestion, the medical science scholars in UK, Japan and USA reported that alkali in tea(茶鹼)can relax the stomach and bowel muscle spasm and change the low intake of food and indigestion of digestive system, and increase intake of food and improve the absorption rate of stomach. 兒茶素can actively absorb the harmful cells.  Tea alkali in coffee (茶咖啡鹹) can induce bile secretion (膽汁)insulin(胰液)stomach secretiondigestive tract secretion (腸液) and improve appetite and digestion. And it highlights that black tea and green tea can dissolve the protein and fat, suitable for those who are suffer from Cholecystitiscancer caused indigestion of fat and pancreatic (胰腺癌) cancer caused indigestion of protein. Since ancient times, TCM has stressed the tea’s beneficial effects on digestion, also effective in body sliming and bad odor of mouth.


E    月經不調茶


(E)    Tea for irregularity of menstruation cycle

401 late menses 402 early menses 403 menses delay for half a month 404 menses delay for one-month 405  menses late for more than three-month 406 two menses in one month 407 bleeding stop exceeding seven days 408 late menses and difficult to stop 409 metrorrhagia 410 having big clot of blood 411 having small clot of blood 412 the deep color in menses 413 the menses like water 414 stinking and dirty menses 415 pain before menses 416 pain when menses 417 pain during menses 418 pain after menses 419 leucorrhea 420 yellow leucorrhea 421red leucorrhea 422black leucorrhea 423green leucorrhea424 colorful leucorrhea425metritis.


426 oophoritis 427vaginitis 428 the pudendum itching429 the pudendum sore 430 the uterus tumor431 the ovary tumor 432 the abdomen upper side tumor 433 the breast tumor 434 the neck tumor 435 the neck infant core 436 the brain tumor 437 black face 438 spots 439 the butterfly spots 440 lupus 441 the facial sore 442 the liver trouble443 the emotion is annoyed 444 take ice and cold food 445 diabetes 446 high cholesterol 447high blood pressure 448 low blood pressure 449 heart disease 450 fearing hot 451 fearing cold 452 hard stool 453 the granular stool 454 sparse stool 455 having diarrhea easily 456 anemia


Medical bioscience use simple method in research and medical treatment, while TCM adopts method of multiple in medical research and treatment. Due to the cold nature of the tea, except many combined symptoms, the physiological disease of menses are largely related to cold, and therefore medical science lacking of reports on the effect of tea on the treatment of physiological diseases of menses. The prescription of TCM multiple method, originates from tea-drinking treatment, for e.g. the infertility of married women is due to irregular menses, the period pain, blood clot, leucorrhoea, headache caused by cold wind, disgorge, cough and etc, can be effectively cured with tea and ginger. Because the qi of tea penetrates each channel, having the guiding function, tea can enhance the effects of the ginger. Additionally, by adding little sugar into a bottle of tea and keep it for a night, the said tea can cure female without menses for few months, but be cautious not to hurt the fetus.  However, certain teas are hot in nature.  An ancient book mentioned that such teas are available in Scizhuan, it can cure ‘wind’, mainly use to treat headache. 



F    內傷消瘀茶


FInternal bruise removal Tea

501 injury caused by a fall 502 hurt caused by beating  503 injury caused by collision with 504 spraining 505 invisible injury caused by traffic accident 506 injury suffers from sport event 507 internal injury caused by cast spell 508 coition wound due to sex 509 wind symptom 510 dull-witted gladness 511 running naked 512 hurt by accident 513 hurt by traffic accident 514 lost of consciousness 515 dull-witted silliness

516外科手術。517結扎。518時常跌倒。519有時身如刺,520忽地頭暈。521曾患傷害後遺症。522手執物易落不自知。523身有時抽掣感。524 處異性群中冷感。525在異性間興奮感526見色有分泌物流出。527性子急躁。528好怒人。529好動。530面生雲斑。531斑痣多。532懶動。533好嘆息。534隨天氣變化體多痠疼。535健忘。536畏怯。537經絡受傷。538氣脈瘀傷。(內傷不去他病難癒,其人若不病,恐久後會變故為災禍)

516 surgery 517 ligature 518 falling down frequently 519 feeling of pricking by needle sometimes 520 giddy suddenly 521even suffers from injury 522 easily losing grip of thing without self-knowledge 523 cramp 524 feel chilly when mingling with the opposite sex 525 excited when mingling with the opposite sex 526 discharge secretion when arouse by sex 527 irritable temper 528 easily angry 529 hyper active 530 facial cloud-alike spots 531many spots and moles532 laziness 533 sighing frequently 534 muscular pain with changing weather 535 forgetfulness 536 fear and timid 537 meridian injuries 538 meridians bruise injury if the internal injury is not removed, it’s hard to cure other disease. And if the person is not sick, unexpected disaster may befall on him over time.

人體健康,全憑血液循環供給養分,一旦不意跌傷扭傷,或被車撞了雖不見傷痕,實際暗傷致使血瘀在體內,慢慢鬱積釀成後貽症,等到有一天突現為險病暴發出來就不好醫治了。茶葉含有茶多酚,特別是酯型兒茶素,具有很強的抗血小板凝聚,便能免卻受傷人體中貽留有暗傷。神農氏嘗百草中毒,都是用茶能通氣滯血瘀解毒的,只要人體氣不結血無瘀,便少災病啦!A healthy body relies on nourishment from blood circulation. Once accidentally falling down or spraining, or hit by a car without visible injuries, but the injury causes blood clot in the body, and gradually develops into sequela. It will be difficult to treat when serious ailment suddenly appears. Tea-leaf contains茶多酚, especially the 酯型兒茶素 which is an anti-coagulating agent of blood platelet, avoiding bruises left inside wounded body.  神農氏 who tasted and poisoned by all kinds of herbs, used tea to clear qi, blood clot and poison. As long as there are no stagnation of qi and blood in the body, there would be less disasters and diseases.


(G)        養顏美容茶


(G)     Beautifying Tea

601 sallow face 602 cloudy and misty face 603 face like having powder un-cleansed 604 brown spots 605 acne 606 legumes sore 607 eye and mouth slightly slanted 608 bad temper 609 quarreling 610 fond of arguing 611 cursing with bad words 612 rude 613 hate 614 worried face 615 frowning 616 flat wart on face 617 small fire sore on face 618 sore, scar and pigment on face 619 the knuckle pigment 620 halitosis 621 running nose 622weeping 623eye’s grease 624 eye’s secretion 625 red nose 626 green lip 627 easily hurt when coition


The scholars in the world unanimously agree that the aging of human body is due to the theory of free radicals which can lead to damage of cell membranes and cause the accumulation of 脂褐質色素 in the body, and then, people would age gradually and diseases developed. The scientists in US confirmed that the interaction among glucose, protein and nucleic acid produce some destructive elements which is general termed as AGES which can hasten the aging process of the body. Tea contains many types of vitamins like C, E and 兒茶素 having the anti-aging active factors, thus, drinking tea has the effect of eliminating diseases and beautifying. TCM hold that tea can cleanse the heat and irritation, dispel temperremoval of acne and having the beautifying effect.


(H)     對症專用茶


(H)   Symptom matching tea

The above-mentioned tea is customized to symptom of disease, it is also in line with the study and discoveries recently by biological medical scholars that there are side-effects for one drug fit all philosophy. Special reminder to doctors and patients that personalized prescription is critical in treating the disease. Therefore, nowadays many doctors in US regularly abstain from prescription to patient whom cannot take single prescription after diagnosing.


Now we offer additional services to you. If you have taken the above tea and want to take them continuously, but your ailment contains other symptoms, you can state the selected tea, symptom and item number, If your symptoms are not found in the above-mentioned categories, you can write them down in Chinese, and compile them into a list and fax to us. We can prepare personalized tea that is effective to your symptoms, Mean while, please prepare to remit fees for the personalized tea.

未飲用本茶飲者,不做調製服務。欲了解者,可逕至本總站或分站診詢。本站以真誠 貨實與技藝服務,無誠意探問者概不作覆。閱讀網友有意購用茶飲者,請參見“九”、中華醫易太空醫學研究院“正心館”說明,及其對症專用茶填寫法:如(G)養顏美容茶:601顏黧。或(A)頭痛驅暈茶:101頭前頂痛。僅填:60110116編號是代表茶的名稱,0102,都是代表該茶類病的名稱,依次填入附表寣C您的病名在六種茶類堥S有,可將您的病名用中文填入附表寣C注意、請用黑色筆填寫,以免傳真看不清楚。

The tea blending and mixing service will not be available to those who have not taken the above-mentioned tea before. For information, please enquire from our web site. Our service is based on integrity, authentic goods and skills, and we reserve our rights not to entertain insincere enquiries.  Readers who wish to purchase the tea, kindly refer to item ‘9’, the explanation of Chinese I-Medicine Space Medical Research Centre “Mental Adjustment Hall” and the methods of filling the symptom matching personalized tea: for e.g. (G) Beautifying tea : 601 sallow face or (A) Headache and dizziness dispel tea: 101 the pain of the top of fore head.  You only require to state: 601 ; 101 ; 1, 6 number represent the name of the tea, 01, 02 represent the name of the ailment, state according on the list.  If the ailment not listed in the six categories, you can list the ailment in Chinese on the list. P.S., please use black pen in order to avoid unreadable writing on fax copy.


四、針 灸 手 法 美 容 與 癒 病

Beautification and Treatment by Acupuncture


If person whose figure and face are not beautiful, it means there are weaknesses in one health, therefore, during diagnosis, if there is yang reaction on the body, physiology, psychology, it is easy to understand the cause of lacking of beauty.  If there is no yang reaction, it is because the medical science is unable to diagnose, and the cause of the lacking of beauty, most likely hiding under the ying condition, it will or had already shown the signs of lacking of beauty on the figure or the face, or tone, appearance, expression, thought. Beautification with the application of acupuncture, by applying the needle on the meridian point, the body’s meridian physiological qi-zhang can be tuned, and when the qi and blood flowing smoothly after tuning, aliveness reappear in the qi and blood of the body, immediately, appearance become attractive, posture looks graceful, the meridians return to normalcy, and the respective ailments are cured. In addition, we have also developed non-invasive treatment and beautification methods, likes meridian guided, musical therapy and etc.


針 剌 美 容 的 證 別 

The symptoms of beautifying by acupuncture




               左圖為飛騰針法之發與收,                                    右圖為飛騰針法之隔空傳針感。


Beautifying by accepting acupuncture directlyThe earth possesses magnetic field, in view of the fact that human body corresponds with the heaven and earth, it also possesses magnetic field; In TCM, the “bao gong”, “ming meng” where the human body’s physiological qi-hua lies, is the magnetic filed of human body, where the root of the body’s twelve “jing luo” and “qi jing ba mai” lies.  The appear of changes in the body’s magnetic field, through the meridian, transmit the ill-transformed magnetic wave (qi) to the facial controlled “luo mai”, does not disappear but accumulates instead, from qi-hua (magnetic wave) it xing-hua (materialized), and therefore, the facial appearances (in the diagnosis by observation, it is call observing the color of qi) of; sallow facepigmentspotsblack spotsgrey foreheadred earsred nosered chinangry and the face turns greenworried and sorrowful facesadanger and sad facefrownlazy and tiredfear expression and etc. Acupuncture treatment by applying qi on the tip of the needle, rectifying the ill-transformed electro magnetic wave (qi) in the body’s “jing luo”.  All the appearances and the signs of the above-mentioned ailments can be eliminated immediately. If the body’s physiological electro magnetic wave (qi), subject to the natural or artificial radiation and strong electro magnetic field, the electro magnetic wave of the physiological “jing luo” or even the genes (“ming meng”) and the cell organization are injured and disturbed, the acupuncture treatment will not be effective. However, because the body’s “jing luo” possesses the function of electro magnetic transmission, the following acupuncture method like space acupuncture transmission (the body’s qi-electro magnetic wave possesses qi in surrounding space, likes transmission by electrical wave) can still be applied. In the same time non-invasive treatment can be applied. Pictures attached:  





Beautifying by application of acupuncture between people or spaceEven though the needle is not applied on the patient’s meridian point, someone is receiving the needle on behalf of the patient, the ailment on the patient’s body still can be treated, besides the effect is same as aboveit is easier to release tirednessrest and attain mental tranquilityhaving mental correspondence with others tacit agreement by linkageto allow people meet of minds. At the same time, the patient under treatment will not be afraid of pain mentally, receiving treatment in peace and it is more effective. Please see the attached.


Cockeye and strabismusIf it is not lazy eye, or “jing luo” of the eyes is not damaged by high fever, the recovery of the eyesight by acupuncture can be fast. And the appearance improved accordingly. If the children can not receive acupuncture, he can only be cured when grow up.


Facial paralysismouth skew when smilemouth leaking when drinking: the acupuncture is effective if the “jing luo” are not damaged.


Brow bone and eye painfrown and angry lookheadacheeyes and brows pulsatefear and sad having pent-up emotionsacupuncture can stop the pain and rectifyregain peace of minds soonright appearance in between the eye brow.


Double visioncrisscrossing imagesvertigo of inverted imagesthe qi and blood flow smoothly after acupuncturerecovery of the eyesightwill not be stunned why the images are imperfect. Those who have internal ailments must also take medicinessame as other diseases.


Hoarse voice because of windcold or hotthe throat pain when closed it makes the throat loose after acupuncturefollows the secretion of fluidswallow the spittle smoothlyrecovery of tone when speak or sing.


Shortsightedness and unnatural habitual sight due to qi and blood clot in the eye: it has been proven that acupuncture is effective those bodies with weak constituency will recover slowly and must take medicines simultaneously.


ShortsightednessLongsightednessunnatural habitual looking immediate recovery after acupuncturesight become normalif the patient can avoid losing the ying and yang of the kidneythe effectiveness would be long lastingand recover from the wooden expression when looking at.


Invisible hole or little node in nasal boneIf acupuncture is performed during childhood the fresh will grow in the hole and become levelbeautiful and uprightmore ever, it can avoid damaging the arms and avoid unpredictable accidents.

十一、 鉤弋夫人呆癡、江郎才盡:江淹少聰,能文和做詩,隨著早熟患了自慰不能禁絕,故智塞才損,但若能早做針剌止其漏瀉,文才終身保有,永享有偉男才子的稱銜。趙姬鉤弋夫人,小時發高燒後心肺經脈瘀滯,患了呆癡症,二十歲時遇漢武帝憐她不幸,以手指捏掐她手腕通里穴和肘窩下處的孔最穴,使她經氣通暢和回復了她的意識清醒,兩手亦不作鉤曲了,不僅復為美人,還做了漢武帝的后妃呢!使用針剌法美容復正效果快捷。

Mrs. Go-Yi’s dull, having used up one’s literary talentChiang Yen was smart and excel in literature and poems. However, due to frequent and unstoppable masturbation at young age, he exhausted his intelligence and talent. If he could received acupuncture earlier to stop leakage of semen, he would had kept his literary talent for whole life and deserved to be remember as one of the brilliant scholar forever. Chao’s Concubine; Mrs. Go-Yi(鉤弋), her heart and lung “jing luo” (channels) became sluggish and stagnant after fever when she was little and suffered from amentia. In her twenty’s, she met Han Emperor Wu sympathize her adversity and he pinched with his fingers on her wrist “Tung-Li” (通里穴) meridian point and bottom of elbow cavity “Kung-Gwei” (孔最穴) meridian point to cause her qi in meridian flow smoothly again and regain her consciousness. From then on, her arms were not crooked anymore, and she not only became a beauty but the empress of Han Emperor Wu. The effect of acupuncture is quick effective.

十二、 少年男女逃家,不與父母和協、犯上:早熟男女孩都有自己意願,甚至有了自己的白雪公主或白馬王子,這時針剌增益脾胃氣和,平除肝勇及制水之有餘,便會消除逃家的意念;同時也給有習慣性頂嘴而又固執的父母一併針治,自會享有家庭和天倫之樂。

Teenage boys and girls run away from home, discordance with their parents, disrespectful of seniorall youth who reached maturity earlier have their own desires and wished, even have falling in love. If acupuncture can be used to increase and balance the qi in spleen and stomach, lower liver’s strength and control kidney’s excess. And then, they would dispel their intention of running away from home; at the same time, the incident of habitually and persistently arguing with parent can be cured, and happiness of family can be enjoyed.

十三、  悲悽、邪思、非分貪想、欲自殺、殺人、強暴心念、少年偷竊習慣:針剌打通鬱瘀經脈,邪念自釋,並可免卻醜惡不美的禍殃。

Sorrowful, evil thought, greedy thought, suicide intention, murder, desire of rape, and stealing habit in teenageafter acupuncture breaking through the sluggish meridians, it can dispel evil thought and avoid ugly disasters.

十四、  戒絕不良嗜性及不良習慣與患時差病:因人體經絡時鐘故障,不能隨天地偕行共振,故有人保有嗜性與習慣性,或旅遊易地而顯現有時差病,這經針剌都可治癒,也遠卻不美的習慣。

Giving up bad habit and the suffering from jet lagbecause the breakdown of the internal clock in meridian, the body cannot resonate with heaven and earth, therefore, people maintain hobbies and habits. For example, suffering from jet lag when visiting distance country, these can be cured by acupuncture to remove undesired habits.

十五、  悶生不哭、悶傷不死不醒、悶傷癱瘓不能起行:檢視悶傷瘀在何經,穴位處摸之或有結塊、條索、包腫等,針剌使之眼睜起行。但此證傷害有新舊遠久之分,見之車禍後貽證的人與壓跌撞抓或被點穴的人很多,故治也要分難易,或逾時未救治者人就真死了。凡正氣足的人針刺頃刻見效應。嬰兒悶氣生,刺之醒哭。

Depress without crying, coma caused by stifled wound, paralysis caused by depression and unable to stand up and walk Diagnose which meridian suffered from stifled wound, there may be form in node, long narrow rope or wrapping swollen on acupuncture point when touch, acupuncture can make him open eyes and walking. But, there are differences between the new and the old injuries, these can be observed from people who are impeded by traffic accidence, suffer from injuries caused by a fall or blow or their meridian point are being blocked, therefore, treatment can be both difficult and easy, or some die due to delay treatment. The acupuncture has immediate effect on those patients with ample “zheng qi” .If the baby delivers without crying, the baby will awake and cry immediately when acupuncture is given.

十六、  急言結巴(口吃)、眼眨或瞠目不閉:針剌調正經脈阻滯或錯位,使之氣血通暢,說話自然順正,便無急言急色之態了。

Stammer when speak fast, eye blink frequently or long staring without eye blinkingacupuncture can adjust the stagnancy or wrong position of the “jing luo” and cause the qi and blood flow fluently. The speech will then be smooth and proper without the state of urgent words or looks.

十七、      走路內外八字腿:針剌調正經脈,舒暢經筋,行路自然雅正。

Figure eight walking (inward or outward): acupuncture can adjust the “jing luo” properly to make the veins flow freely, and then walking will be graceful.


Walking with snake waist, turn back to look, turn around and look like a wolfacupuncture make the qi and blood of “jing mai” flow freely, and then walking will be normal again, the worry of injuries caused by the walking habit will be dispel, and one walking style will not be judged by people.

十九、  雪盲、夜盲、青光眼、畏光、呆視、翻白眼、淺性色盲:宜針剌調補並施,可給視而不美的感嘆驅除,恢復原有神態的顧盼雅美。

Snow blindness, glaucoma, photophobia, wooden eyes, turning up the white of eyes, and shallow color blindness it is more effective to apply acupuncture and take medicine together, dispelling the pitiful of unnatural sights and recover to the natural state of beauty.


Having a stuffy nose due to Wind, Fire, Cold, and heat, loss of smell, murky nasal discharge: it’s effective by acupuncture with acute signs, and less effective with deficient symptoms, and one body should be nourished with medicines.



The above-mentioned wanting of beauty beautiful in the looks, speech, voice, figures, mentality, consciousness, and trend are due to ailments developed in the qi-mechanism of the “jing luo” within the body.  As long as the nerves, the system of “jing jin”, “jing mai” and the “jing luo” is not harmed. Harmed but not defective, the bone is not in defect completely, normalcy in the irrigation of the qi-mechanism in the “fu zhang”, then, the effect of acupuncture is immediate on real symptoms, dispelling ailments that have negative effects to one’s beauty.  However, the effect will be slow for those whose bodies are weak, it is also necessary to nourish the body with medicines over times, then, those ailments which impede the beauty will be dispelled.  For those patients who are deficient in “jing” and blood,  and leakage continues, it is necessary to have supplementary treatment, like, qi-cong, martial arts, exercise, dances and etc, only then, it can reach the goal of curing the illness and achieving beauty or beautification and dispel illness.


The above-mentioned beautifying acupuncture introduced to readers and acupuncturists are not available everywhere, except specially arranged and allowed. It’s better for the patients to visit the acupuncture clinic or hospital near your residence. The service level is trust worthy because the acupuncture are widely popular all over the world and there are innovation and technical progress in every countries to treat your illness caused beauty problems.


The instruction of Chinese Medicine I-Philosophy Space Medicine




As you have read many of our descriptions of the theory and technique about TCM, for example, tense pulse detected in the areas or during typhoon/hurricane season can predict the occurrence of typhoon/hurricane, or flooding; pulse vibration can predict earthquake, volcano eruption, man-made disaster, nuclear war, and therefore is able to plan to distance and shelter from the calamities; If self-checking on the pre-natal pre-disposition is made, any diagnosed ailments can be treated earlier, preventive medicine can be practiced, and it can dispel the bad habits and evil thoughts, awareness and practice of good deeds; becoming a gentleman practicing re-invention of one’s deeds; self-checking of tumor of one body and seek earlier treatment if found, avoiding infliction of suffering from tumor; self-selection the right time to fertilize egg, so is easier to give birth of a good baby; removal of pains due to appendicitis without surgical operation, and the effectiveness is immediate, this proves that acupuncture can substitute surgical operation; the application of acupuncture via third party, or through space, the qi can be felt transmitting through the needle (tip) like the electro microwave with/without heat sensation smoothening the “jing mai” and curing the ailments, beautifying, recover from fatigue, improve intelligence, improve score in competition, and curing the incurable diseases labeled by modern science; and the methods of acupuncture, prescribed medicines, compose into musical scores and apply in musical therapy; treat if there is illness, prevent if there is no ailment, applicable to preventive medicine, improve one’s sentiment, appreciate like a poem or a song; and in accordance to the deficiency in pre-natal or post-natal pre-disposition, compose personalized musical score( contributed from TCM, music, astrology, “dou shu”, geography, weather, literature, art and photography and collaborate to develop the new TCM treatment of the new century), in order to rectify the deficiency.  The TCM and western medical science do not delve in this topic, they only mention the treatment method of the music itself and the philosophical value, has not heard about that using TCM Zhang-Fu meridian physiology in diagnosing the sign of diseases.

Applying acupuncture through a third party, applying it through space, transmiting the needle tip’s Qi to clear meridian and cure sickness, cosmetology, recovery from fatigue, improve intelligent, improve result in competition, and is able to cure the “rejected” illnesses classified by the mdern medical science, and there are more innovations, acupuncture, prescribed medication and medical soup can be produced into rhythmatic score (prescription) to treat ailment, like opening borderless clinic, inter-continental hospital, hospital in space, cosmetological hospital in space, health care hospital in space, public hospital in space, provide medical treatment to galactic patients in space.  And immunological space station can be set-up,  providing immunized treatment to galatic travellers, develops Chinese “million Prosperity” sacred space-ship for musical treatment, immunized treatment, transmitting immunized music from space, besides that the epidemic in space can be eradicated, it can also eradicate computer virus, this can be achieved if everyone is working towards the goal, preventing political “magician” playing tricks on us, fabricating news, polluting the ears and eyes of the public at large.  This is the author’s revolutionized innovations towards the TCM, it will certainly renown in the new century, or it may arose your interest, besides the sickness to be treated, it may interest you in other aspects! Besides diagnosis and treatment, do you wish to participate in the research?


   Whoever wishes to join the research and learning, one can select the subject in accordance to the method of learning and times required. After registration and under the agreement by both parties, the agreement can be implemented with the consent of this web site.  


   Whether it is pertaining to learning, medical enquiry, business partnership in   research, it can be arranged subject to your convenience..

Here are the list of hotels and their contact telephone number.

A: ☆☆☆             :T.C.´ By The Sea Belize. Central America Tel/Fax :-501-722963

B: ☆☆☆☆        : Hotel Riverview Taipei, 77.Huan Ho South Road. Section 1, Taipei Taiwan      Tel886-2-23113131 / Fax886-2-23613737

C: ☆☆☆☆☆      : 臺北首等  圓山飯店 Grand Hotel    Tel886-2-2886-8888

D: ☆☆                 kL、富士酒店          Tel603-21429333  Fax603-21429331

E: ☆☆☆             kL、第一飯店          Tel603-21443268 /603-21427533

F: ☆☆☆☆☆     kL、國王飯店          Tel603-21486888

G: ☆☆☆☆☆     kL、統一飯店          Tel603-21439898






This library assembles many proven prescriptions of medicine, including many types of herbs, and is continuing to seek proven prescriptions in order to publish in this website. Offer our service for the people in the world. Here are the descriptions

1、  凡具有研究或持有中草藥茶劑等而能癒病,且沒有化合混合添加劑的自然茶飲特效良方,志在濟世活人,經廣眾試用有效者,不限地域與身分,均可參加。

Whoever is in research and has Chinese herb or tea effective in curing diseases, and without additive of adulterated chemicals natural tea or prescription, and is proven through consumption by masses, irrespective of geographical location and status, all are welcome to participate in the program.

2、  參加者是供製藥或方頭或技藝服務均可,說明您的權益和願望,或專以存心行善濟人,經協議妥後而行。

The participants can provide patent medicine, ingredient or expertise. Explain your rights and wishes, or purely for charity, implementation after negotiation.

3、  您有良藥、良方或技術,可是您缺少電腦和網站,經過鑑定試用屬實,可在本網站代您傳播,或給您介紹求用的網友。

Whoever has excellent prescription or expertise but lacks of computer and website, after our verification and test, we can advertise for you or introduce to our member.

4、  提供製藥與方頭,須說明經過,祖傳、創發或出處,凡存心假借立辭不誠,冒不肖商人法寶:宣傳、包裝、搞販賣行消組織、亂芋製品、貨出不負責任,僥倖空口傳播圖利,故意剽竊抄襲不實者,而缺守誠信,或倡言不負責任的保證保險,概不與處理,為保持各個自己和國家與網上服務共同信譽,而以欺偽論,其剽竊抄襲者自受法律制裁,凡屬本站館院堂所中心概不予負一切責任。

Anyone provide medicines or prescription should declare its source, whether it is passed down from ancestor, or self invention. Those who are not honest, infringing others’ proprietary rights, we reserve the rights to reject. Any illegal matter should be responsible by the provider. We will not undertake any of these risk or responsibility.



Third Parties’ Effective Prescriptions and treatments



據美國科學家研究報告說,牙膏牙粉加氟對人體有害無益;加泡沫劑,在中醫來說會促溢口津太多而傷腎液不足;添了人工甘味,使人亦多促失胃津。本膏粉純以天然植物製做,大為有益身體與健康!每份售美金XX元,連絡人台灣陳建忠醫師收,參見後述:九、四 項目說明。

1.     Tooth Care Powder

This tooth care powder is based on the twelve “zhang fu jing luo” (meridians) enters into oral cavity, and respectively and individually join with the teeth. Therefore, the carefully selected materials of tooth-powder possess the property of entering and nourishing the “jing luo”. While brushing the teeth, the tooth care powder dissolves into fluid, moving through meridians into viscera, and nourishing it. Therefore the benefits of using tooth care powder include; protecting teeth and producing “jing” nourishing kidney; dispelling winds protecting liver; activating secretion protecting spleen, stomach, teeth and preventing bad breadth; converting the pungent flavor entering lung into secretion benefiting kidney, removing rotten smell in the mouth; tooth ache, swollen and breeding can be effective healed by rubbing tooth care powder on the infected tooth, leveling the excess fire and heat in the heart, and the oral cavity will be free of ulcer, tongue will also be free of burnt crack.  The ingredients in the tooth care powder including stone salt, bamboo leaves, radix angelicae dahuri, ding-lang and etc make into powder or paste. Direction: brush slowly until salivating, hold in the mouth and spit slowly, if swallow, its smell disseminates into meridians connecting to viscera. The “jing-qi” of the viscera returns to protect the teeth, those who use it will have clean teeth and fresh smell. No acid mucus and tartar are noticeable.

According to the research by American scientist, fluoride added to toothpaste and tooth powder is harmful to human body. foaming additives will induce too much secretions and injuring kidney. Flavoring additive induces loss of secretions in stomach. The tooth care powder is made of natural plant and beneficial to health. It is price at US$XX.For more information, kindly contact Mr. Jieng-Chung Chen in Taiwanalso refers to the explanation of section 4 of chapter 9.

2壯 精 補 血 二 仙 膠





2.   Jing (Essence) Strengthening and Blood Increasing Gelatin (two in a pack)

       The gelatin ingredients include products from liquid, liquor, crystal, All are carefully selected herbs for example Radix Morindae Officilisna, Radix Rehmanniae Praeparatae, Radix Polygoni Multiflori, Radix Rhodiolae and Ramulus Cinnamomi, etc. manufactured by traditional method. The crystallized gelatin is similar to Chinese ink. The effects include strengthening jing and nourishing blood, improve body strength, nourishing “yuan qi”, increasing spirit, beneficial to menses irregularity, scanty menses, nourishment after illness, cosmetology, recovery from exhaustion, Dispelling chill during cold weather and prevention from other pathogen. Direction: 1.Steam 3-6 gm of gelatin with water and drink with brown sugar or malt sugar. 2. The above direction is for one person consumption. You can adjust the quantity of gelatin according to the number of people. It is even better to cook with the meat soup or vegetable soup.3.For alcoholic beverages, add 30-60 gm of the gelatin into 600 gm of alcohol. Use after the gelatin dissolved in alcohol, The gelatin is priced at US$XX per 100gmDue to price fluctuationplease confirm the price before order. Please enquire from Mr.李春, 同春堂, , 二十五號, 北平路二段, Taichung, R.O.C. TaiwanTelephone886-04-22916356. Fax886-04-22983080.


說明: 本黛眉膏粉,純用天然草本植物藥材調配,並具有活血、化瘀,清肝鬱、解酒毒、祛風、止癢、生眉及預防眉額經脈(神經)掣動或疼痛等效用,又可使之代用眉膏畫眉。使用保健,在卸妝後微濃擦敷,眉膏粉氣和味的氣性循經絡徑道滲內入肝、脾、腎三臟,三臟的精華經氣返饋回到眉部灌溉,眉毛便獲三彩(參見萬氏太素心理脈學中篇,男士更宜使用保健)濡養的效益,早起洗去。


售價: 每包盒美金元。另付郵運費,請參見前述說明。

3.     Eyebrows gel / powder

      This eyebrows gel /powder made from natural herbs, benefits include move blood, dissolve stasis, clear stagnation of the liver, alleviate hangover, dispel wind, relieve itchiness, grow eyebrows and prevent eyebrow-forehead meridians from convulsion and pain and etc. Besides, it can use to shape eyebrows instead of the eyebrow pencil. It’s healthy, and when uses it to wipe the face after removing make-up. The qi and smell of gel / powder follows the meridians into the liver, spleen, kidney, the jing-qi of the viscera returns and nourishes the eyebrows. the eyebrows glows with colors.(See Wan’s Tai-Suh Pulseology Medium Chapter, it is suitable for male health care)

Direction: Mix gel/powder into paste, applicable to eyebrow drawing with eyebrow pencil: can also use last finger to rub repeatedly with the paste from one end to the other end of the eye brow. For thin eyebrow, wet the eyebrow in advance. Then wet the tip of the last finger and applies the powder quickly over the eyebrow like painting bamboo instead of brows pencils, this will enhance the eyebrow.

    The powder is priced at $10.00 U.S.A. per box. Delivery charges not included, please refers to explanation above.

4. 右從足ti履 健 足 保 健 膏 粉


4. Healthy Foot Cream/Powder

Lady who wears shoes for improve one’s looks and body shape, lose weight, develop one’s mind, practice Gong-Fu and prevent from illness. According to TCM meridian qi-hua physiology, as long as the qi of the jing luo of the body could flows without any obstruction, walk slowly with shoes to practice mindfulness and nourishing the qi, easily achieved what Chun-zhi said that qi begins on the heel and moves upward from the foot, from mai, it leads to big and small meridian circulation (大小周天). It is not only healthy, free of illness, improve intelligence, preserve beauty, maintain youthfulness but also because of a uniqueness of your physiology, it will enhance its’ uniqueness further. “Du Xi”, is ancient imperial palace maid’s dancing shoes, the sole of the shoes is made of woodcarving. The other is wooden shoes, a kind of shoes without. a posterior upper. The anterior of upper of shoes is made of silklinenvery thin silk fibre()and ko-hemp cloth(). The sole of shoes which is made of Chiness guger tree(樁木)birch tree(樺木)pear tree(梨樹)poplar tree(白楊木)silk tree(合歡) etc and carve into low anterior and high posterior. It’s similar to the high-heel slipper that the modern lady wears. While walking, it shows the elegant steps and the curves of waist and buttock. Stepping with lifting heel shows the naked ankle and hears the light melodious tread, the music make up of “wu yin” (five tones). Because each individual may incline to certain notes of “wu yin” in view of the individual body constituency, it’s healthier for an individual to select music with notes that is enhancing her health, when reading out loud a poem or singing a song, it is beneficial to inhale and exhale with “wu-ying” (five tone) “si sheng” (four sound), and the step moves in tune with the music, penetrates into the “jing mai” (meridians) of “fu zhang” (viscera). (See the content for the connection of health input and five tones)


There are two kinds of wooden-shoes for ancient female. One is called “Liu”. In ancient painting, a lady in Chin and Jin Dynasty wearing “” took leisurely walk or walked on the green grass. The other is called ”She” which is worn by the lady in the Chu() and Yue() dynasty. In the ancient painting, they played in the garden or trod in the stream on 上已日. They worn “Liu, She” because the odor of foot which is caused by the wrapping her foot in white cloth and wearing thick socks. After taking shower at night, they wear “She, Liu” to avoid the odor spreading in the bedroom. Of course, the modern lady wants to model herself on the stepthe beauty of ankle and the healthy comfortable smell of the ancient lady. How’s graceful it would be to go everywhere with good smell.


Shoes and health:

Here are explanations of the effects of each kind of wood. Stake shoes could keep dryavoid perspirationget rid of the odor and pathogen and stimulate foot’s circulation of blood. It could prevent menstrual irregularityvaginal dischargegut wind and undesired signs on the face. Birch could cure septicemiabreast tumor and improve mammary gland. Pear could penetrate the lung and heart meridians, relieve the drunkennessresolve phlegm and remove the fire. Poplar could kill worms resolve toxin and relieve oral heat and odor. Silk tree could loosen the liverpromote the heart meridianexpel depression and make female happy, not jealous. Manufacture by using fur and avoiding to coat with lacquer to promote the point of sole of foot linking to the meridians contact and respond with the wood. The lady who wears the “Liu” thrusts her chestraises her buttocksshows “S” curve. While walking, she is like an elegant angel in pretty shape body.


彩色爽足膏粉:是用赤石脂、香白芷、丁蘭香等調製,效益種類可以製做很多種,主號膏粉循經由腳腿上行,入走至下腹堛漁c、膀,至中腹堛熊吽B胃、肝,繼至上腹堛漱腄B肺及胸乳,更上至走入循面腦。將上述主號膏粉敷於腳心穴竅,除有益臟腑健康隆胸與美顏外,尤可活血化瘀,預防子宮、乳房、臚內無氣滯血積,不致生瘤,面頸不長癤瘡。當膏粉擦敷足腰底部穴竅,外貼彩繪圖紙,行步可以望到妳腳板的美樣花紋。因為足有三陰經和三陽經通於腳掌勇泉穴竅,故中醫內經有言,經絡所至而氣通,即為醫治之所,這所字指的是腳底勇泉穴竅,所貼膏粉循經入內,能做保健和癒病及美悅容顏,以及氣行通經,至臻養氣修行。腳有汗氣或香港腳的人,也可將膏粉撒進鞋襪堙A或粘擦腳趾叉中。女子宮下受了風寒所襲,冷濁下滴,濕滯不行,泌漏難Y,將膏粉撒抹衛生棉上少許灸神闕、勇泉穴,有醫治所謂衝、帶、包()宮脈絡保健的功效。將上藥末撒在衛生棉上或膠布做敷貼劑,叫做 ’’衝帶包’’ 貼劑。

Colorful foot soothing cream/powderIt’s made of HalloysitumRadix AngelicaeFlos Caryophylli and etc. It could be made into different products according to the effects required. The main cream follows the foot meridian moving upward, into the uterus and bladder in the lower abdomen, to the spleenstomach in the middle abdomen, reaches the heartlungbreast in the chest, finally, it goes into the brain and face. The cream could not only benefit to the visceraraise the breasts and improve one’s looks, but also improves blood flowdissolves stasis and prevent stasis in the uterusbreastskull from tumor formation and sores on the face and neck. Apply the cream to the points of sole of foot and attach colorful pictures. You can see the beautiful pattern while taking a walk. The three yang and ying meridians meet in the “Yung-quan”, the meridian point in the sole of foot. As the Chinese Internal Medicine (中醫內經) said that the meridian is the place to cure disease. Therefore, to apply the cream to the point in the sole of foot could cure diseaseprevent from diseaseimprove one’s lookmove qi and free the collaterals in order to develop qi and cultivate one’s moral. A person who has sweat on the foot could apply the powder to the socks or the border of toes. A female whose uterus attacks by the cold and wind, result to cold turbidity drop down, wet stagnant, secretion drip non-stop, could apply the powder to the sanitary napkin. It‘s Chinese medicine called the Chun-Dye bag protection function


Price: $20 U.S.A per box, exclude postage 另付. Please see the above description.

:1、右從足ti) 履的製做,相關到許多工藝部門的結合,材料與醫藥的炮製,以及專 利權的保有,而且不宜全機械製造,必須經過手工工系才能保有藝術觀賞觀。

2、至於專約製做工系價格,公主王妃製用所加添的飾物當然不能與普通價     格等量觀呀!掉i製做正在籌畫中,請網友讀者稍待為妳服務。

3、膏粉因     效益不同,可製成很多種,如頭風痛、頭風屑、髮眉保健、聰    耳、瘡癢、陰   癢、避濁穢、流感、心情不暢等等,可依意者妳的願望,    約定亦可派專人給        妳診量合度為妳製做,這是隨後要為網友服務的預   白。

PS  :1. The making of “Liu” requires combined efforts of many technical departments, material and medicine processing, and the reserved patent right. It can’t produce completely by machine. It is a work of art by hand.

2. The price depends on the amount of customization and the accessories ordered. The manufacturing process is currently being arranged, Notification of its’ readiness of receiving order will be published on this web site.

3. There are different kind of creams/powders according to its effects, such as headachedandruffhealthy roots      of headgood hearingsore itchingvagina itchingstay away from turbidityinfluenzabad mood and etc. You can order by your own request. This is a preliminary announcement for the friends in the website.


5經 期 順 通 瘀 散



5.Menses Normalization and Stasis Removal Prescription

Menses not only affects health and mood, it creates problems to facial cosmetology. The occurrence of the menses follows the moon and the tides. According to the Chinese lunar calendar, the menses occurs every four weeks and takes one to two days to recover, and therefore, it’s so called regular menses. If you eat excess of meat, flavoring and nutritious additives or inorganic drugs, the sebaceous gland over-secrete one week before menses. At the same time, the melanin cell activity increases, causes acne and freckle growing easily, and it appears on the back of the finger joint. It shows that the toxin stored in the viscera as well as the indicator and origin of tumor. During the menses cycle, the hormones affect adversely the skin condition, because the level of hormones drops abruptly, the skin becomes dry. Meanwhile, the pectoral and abdominal muscle loses its bounciness, the abdomen expands and pain developed. If there is discharge in the midst of menses blood, it means that the toxin couldn’t be discharged completely. It’s critically affecting the cosmetology. If the toxin from the food could be discharged from the body, whatever you eat will not affect your beauty.

This prescription is made of carefully selected herbs such as Radix Angelicae Sinensis, Rhizoma Poligonati, Radix Angelicae Dahuricae, Purple Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae with the effect of quickening the bloodfreeing the connecting meridiandissolving stasis and dispelling toxin. Because toxin is dispelled, females will be delighted by the good-look. Take with water or congee soup during menses cycle or one week before, 4-6 gm and twice a day.  $20 U.S/ 100gm

6前 列 腺 米 粥 散 飲


6.Prostate gland congee powder drink

    When male reaches middle age, the spleenliverkidney suffer from yin vacuitydifficulty in urinationhyperplasia of prostateobstructive uropathy and stuttering urination. For females, the development of ovary inflammation, vagina discharge or albumen in urine, taking the prescribed compound regularly could prevent and. Cook congee which is added scallion with root little of rice acetum and black or white glutinous rice every breakfast. After cooking, add powder into the congee soup and mix completely. Eat the congee soap. This disease is hard to be cured and the improvement after surgery can’t last long. This congee with powder prescription has medical effects. It could protect healthkeep disease away and improve one’s looks. The more frequent you take, the more significant effect it presents. $20 U.S/ 100gw.

7面 容 無 痕 散



7.Facial scarred wound healing powder

       Irrespective whether female or male, they are active and restless during childhood, may suffer from facial injuries due to accident. Once it is not treated appropriately, scar nodule and pigment left on the face. How pity it would be in the one’s life. For adults especially female, the scar in the face affects one’s looks.

Effect and prescription: The effect is stop bleedingquicken bloodheal without scar and ease pain. Apply powder on the wound then cover with bandage. After healing, the scar drops by itself. Refrain from scratching with fingers. Depending on the size of wound, apply one to three times a day. If the wound is black, wait for it to drop by itself. It has special effects applying to all kind of traumaburn and etc. This powder is an essential medicine for indoor or outdoor. In order to be carry easily, it is packed conveniently in six vials and cost $30 U.S. per pack.

8興 陽 如 意 神 闕 灸


8.Positive energy enhancement Shenchueh moxibustion

In TCM, there are twelve viscera “jing” and eight “mai” Among the eight “mai”, the “du mai” is located at the back of the body, it stretch from the bottom in the genital, and to the top of the head into the lip and teeth, connecting all “yang jing luo” entering the kidney.  “ren mai” begin in the huiyin (會陰) which connects to all Yin meridians, and is stretching up to the tongue and lip which connects with “du mai” to cause the complete small circulation. “Shenchueh”(神闕) is the umbilicus on the “ren mai”, which connect to Female / Male reproductive organ and to ovary and uterus and the “ren chong mai” (meridian), “dai mai” and the liver’s meridian, and also the male bladder, prostate gland. Therefore the penis of man can’t erect, or erect but not firm, or early ejaculation, lack of concentration, tired, lose of memory. And the woman suffers from irregular menses, menses pains, irritating emotion, difficult to conceive, no interest in sex, sad.



Method:  mix some moxa powder with water with two or three drops of white wine, insert the mixture into belly button, massage with middle finger for 10 to 20 minutes, or press the belly with two palms (after rubbing to hot), apply after awaken the morning and before bedtime every day. It is a plus if the infrared rays massager is used.

Indication: Above effect may varies according to the age, property and the physiological injuries suffered, but definitely could have certain effect. It is especially effective for symptoms diagnosed caused by blocked “jing mai” and stagnant qi and blood. The result obtained with the above treatment is; the qi of the hot mixtures penetrates into the “sheng ming” to grow the yang qi, enabling the fire of the “ming men” growing gradually, it is more proactive in stopping the sperm leakage through body warming and growing and storing the sperm, at the same time, the yang qi elevates and reaches the brain, causing the floating yang qi to return to bladder’s “ming men”, just like the lava rest within the earth crust without causing earth quake or volcanic eruption, one’s body will not suffer from high blood pressure, sperm semen leakage in male and menses blood clot and discharge in female, all can be eradicated.  It must be understood that if there the “ming men” lacking of fire and without interaction with yang qi, and if it is not aided by water, it is not easy to conceive baby.    

9神 功 散 灸 法






9. Miracle Moxibustion

Nano technology, miracle moxibustion, made with 10 different herbs in special methods. The powder is very fine like nano easy to be absorbed into skin/muscle and the qi and blood of the meridians and vessels. It is like nano, “superb doctor detective” detecting the symptoms/signs of diseases lies in the meridians/blood vessels in the body, eradicating any property of diseases. Good for: wet toxin, hot toxin, etc.

Indication: 1)According to the size of the infected area, take some powder and put in palm, mix the powder with oil or cold water and apply it on the infected area, lay a small piece of ginger with punched holes on the skin and apply moxibustion.

2) Put the powder in belly button if there is itchiness but no clear symptom of diseases. It can purify the blood dissolve stasis, dispel toxin and stop itchiness.

3) For skin itchiness: take some powder, mix with oil, rubs with both hands strongly. The powder will be absorbed into the palm, searching for and eradicating toxin from blood.

4) Apply the powder on sanitary napkin, the application please refers to section 4 of chapter 7 above. Price is US$40 per bottle.

10腫 痞 瘤 膏




10. Salve for Turgor, tumour and wen

Description     : It is made from 8 different Chinese herbs with special methods.

Good for         : improves blood flow, dissolves stasis, tumor, urgent or slow appendicitis, wet, sputum, etc.

Indication         : mix the powder with vinegar or red sugar into paste, or mix with mineral jelly. Apply it on the infected area, leave blistered part alone, or  lay ginger on it and apply moxibustion, the above diseases will be cured. Price is US$30.


Classic Bookstore of Chinese醫易 Space Medicine


The Chinese medicine and traditional medicine of every nation in the world are natural, rational as well as purely philosophical without including the artificial, personal benefit, or unfair attempt and hypocritical intention or tricks, not even any manipulative act or word. All the sayings in ancient Chinese medical books “Nei-Jin” and “Nan-Jin” are pure rationality and beneficial for people. If you have written articles similar to the above but could not be published and distributed, our website can publicize your writings on your behalf and providing a venue for readers’ enquiry and purchase. The below books, software and CD are available on our website.

1、                中 醫 脈 診:本書(中文)計分論三十種脈象。所謂脈象:是把人體內埵蛣M的生理、病理、心理的,種種喜怒哀樂的愛恨,權利財貨的得失,騰達困厄的境遇,智愚賢聖與不肖,陽性陰性與不內外因的疾症,以及所食的米榖五味,所吸的五氣,所化的五志五德五行原素、和五色五音、跟諸般變化的病癥等等都隱存在脈象中,只要會切摸正確的脈象,脈象就會把發生在人體經絡生理性命〞〝胞宮〞堛氣章振動播報為信息,傳到兩手腕三關六部,故醫人以診脈能斷譯出受診人的生理、病理、心理、性格、才智、環境、際遇和通塞辨認出來,並可論述和預測知病,可早做預防保健治療。本書現在發售:全一冊售價美金20元,外埠附航空快遞或航郵郵資若干。

TCM Pulse Diagnosis: The book in Chinese contains 30 different pulses. The pulse shows the one’s body natural physiology, pathology, psychology, various emotions of happy, angry, sad, gay of love and hate, the gain and loss of power and wealth, the circumstances of prosperity and plight, intelligence foolishness virtuous unworthy, the symptoms of Ying & Yang property and internal & external factor, also the five flavors of cereal taken, the absorption of five Qi, transformation into element of five aspirations, five virtues and five conducts, and five colors, five tones, and the various transformation of symptoms exists in the pulse appearance.  If one can read and analyze the pulse accurately, the pulse image will show the information transmits through the vibration of Qi-Zhang in the body’s meridian physiology, “Xing-Ming”, “Bao-Gong”, transmits to the Three Guans and Six Parts on both wrists. Doctors can translate the pulse image into the physiology, pathology, psychology, character, intelligence, conditions, experiences, and open & stuff, as well as predicting diseases and practicing preventive health care and cure. This book goes on sale at 20 US dollars each, the delivery charges are not included..

2、                萬 氏 太 素 心 理 脈 學:有了上述《中醫脈診》正確的把脈診斷,依胍搏振波傳遞信息,可詳論受診人的心理、病理,人的智愚,賢與不肖,預測知病,早期可做保健或病前治療。太素脈診診病方法,是將人體經絡生理如網佈的氣路中,如果凝積有了暗傷,或發生瘀滯阻礙,或人體時鐘不能同太陽時偕行同步,因而人體生理氣機有了癥結,人還不自知自身隱藏了災、病、禍、殃,有如定時炸彈埋在人體堙A在時間空間大化中,就等待時至爆炸了。世上有很人身體暗藏了災、病、禍、殃,潛隱不露微些陽性反應,掃描化檢絲毫偵測不到它的9鞢A但是,這些都有脈搏會先做訊息報導,醫人會切脈能預早診知,可使用入經藥、性、味、氣、流注振動,驅逐氣脈堛瘋{結,除去血流中的瘀滯、暗傷潛劫、病灶阻礙,盡能一掃而去,可使人體氣機暢利, 待經絡氣脈生理回復正常了,給病災一同悉除。;人體氣機暢利了,智慧隨生,使您在學習上進步,事業走入亨達,並能助人修善為樂。脈診不僅能診知災病,在診得見時,還可以用做預測颱風、洪水氣象的預早報播;若診見為時,能預先測知地震、兵燹人禍,故而脈診也直可用到防災避禍。心理脈學能將一個人心裡,七情病苦的曲譜(病譜),以脈搏播報到三關,把它切譯出來,是一篇病脈樂章醫案,依其法製成歌曲光碟,又能代替藥方與針灸治療該病人的病。本書(中文)創發古今人不說之言,更能促進醫藥與音樂革新。書全一冊,售價美金25元,外附航空快遞或航空郵資費用若干元。

Wan’s Tay-Suh Pulseology for Psychoanalysis: With above book for correct pulsation diagnosis, the images of pulse transmit and show the patient’s psychology, pathology, intelligence, cleverness or foolishness and forecasting the developing disease, so as to enable preventive treatment. Tay-Suh’s pulse diagnosis is to determine whether bruises accumulated within the network of meridian of the body, or stagnation occurred, or the body’s clock does not move in-sync with the sun, and therefore, stasis developed in the mechanism of Qi within the body’s physiology, and one is unaware that misfortune, disease, trouble and calamity, like a time-bomb bury within the body, under the influence of the time and space, waiting to explode.  There are many people in the world with misfortune, disease, trouble and calamity conceal in their body, burying deep within one’s body without showing any Yang reaction to the applied test and diagnosis.  However, the pulse image will be able to foretell these events, doctor who is excel in pulse diagnosis is able to diagnose ailment in advance, then, applies medicine, property, flavor and Qi, circulating and vibrating, eradicating the stasis within meridian and blood, resulted in the mechanism of Qi unimpeded, and the ailment will be cured when the meridian physiology returns to normal.  When the mechanism of Qi unimpeded, wisdom grows, learning skill improves, business and career prosper, and is able to assist one to be a philanthropist.  Pulse diagnosis not only can detect misfortune and ailment, when “Jian” pulse is diagnosed, it can be used to forecast typhoon, flood and weather; if “Dong” pulse is diagnosed, it can forecast the earthquake, war and human misfortune, and therefore, pulse diagnosis can be applied on prevention of calamity. When pulse diagnosis is applied to psychology, it can detect the state of emotion of the patient, just like a musical score, transmit to the three Quan on the wrist through the pulse, it can be translated into a musical score of symptoms, and a song or theme can be created to treat the symptoms, replacing the medicines and acupuncture in treating the patient.. This book recorded things that no one has stated before. It sells US$25 with additional air parcel postage.

3、        中 醫 檢 診 用 藥:本書(中文)是就西醫檢血、驗尿、愛克司光、掃描、鏡視等化檢,查出發病的數據症為依據,除了大要說明病理、治療原由之外,主要在說明西醫檢診症與中醫經絡生理、病理的關係,以及使用中藥對許許多多證象做入經對證治療的用藥,也便於中西醫者聯合臨證製方參考,更有益病家手持檢查單據對照查證及對中西醫的認識。本書為當世首創之著,正擬擴充編輯為網上讀物,暫不予網上發售。

TCM diagnosis and prescription: This book is based on the data collected from western medicine’s urine test, blood test, X-ray, CT scan. It is not only explains the pathology and treatment methods, but also to indicate the relation of the disease inspected by western medicine and TCM meridians physiology and pathology, and the theory of Chinese medicine herbs. It is also good reference for doctor who practices both western and Chinese medicine. The patient can take the medical report by western medicine to doctor of Chinese Medicine for reference. This book is a contemporary creation. It is being modified and improved publish on the website. Not on sale at present.

4、              鍼 灸 救 生 學:本書(中文)在談研究針灸的要法,才能顯著針灸治病療效與快捷。快捷是在手法,手法是在〝針頭氣〞,它有衝棜侗擊P駕馳載波通話顯像的功效;調氣氣聚經絡中如雷射,有似紅寶石激光,效能能隨意調增千百億倍;調〝針頭氣〞在人體內堮蟧P脈的徑道遭江河或障礙陡隔時,可以搭成經路絡徑的橋樑,遇洲際星體遙遠的里程,調〝針頭氣〞化做光波通感療疾,開創星體診療;調〝針頭氣〞在經絡堥洃坏玩菛鄐け畦菕A反之,使之右旋可割消腫瘤。關於針灸手法的操做法,在書中有;詳盡的說明。針灸不但能治內科病,也能治外科手術治療的病,如盲腸發炎,急證急效,更能救治科學醫不能治悶氣死、胎嬰降世不哭無聲悶氣生兒的復活,又可代用外科麻醉術,孕婦無痛引產。本書精要製有表解,並譯以英、法、德、俄、日、西班牙語。本書獨創發明處極多,全一冊,售價美金15元,同上述另付郵費若干元。   

The Theory of Acupuncture for Life-Saving: This book is about the research of acupuncture and to show the quickness and effect of acupuncture.  The speed is on the hand motion, the hand motion is on the “the needle tip’s Qi”, it has the effect of bringing down a wall, carrying wave decoding to sound and image; tuning and accumulating Qi in meridian like laser, as though the laser emitted from the ruby, the effect of multiple times can be tuned according to acupuncturist’s mind, by tuning the “needle tip’s Qi”, the stagnant Qi and meridian can be clear as though a bridge is built to connect both end; from distance galatic outpost, the patient can be cured by tuning the “needle tip’s Qi on earth, creating the galactic treatment; By tuning the “needle tip’s Qi in the meridian left-ward the stasis can be eradicated, in reverse, tuning right-ward the tumor can be cut off. With regards to the acupuncture’s operation, the book has detailed records. Acupuncture not only for internal disease but also for chirurgery disease. For example, it is good for emergency treatment for appendicitis. It can also cure the incurable diseases as classified by the western medicine. Acupuncture can also be applied to save the new born with stifled Qi, anesthetization, painless delivery of child. The important contents listed with tables and in English, French, Germany, Russian, Spanish. There is a lot invention recorded. Sale price is US$15 with additional postage.

5.                        中 華 醫 易 太 空 醫 學 光 碟:精選本人醫著精華(中文),集成本光碟,內容極夥,包括有中醫脈診為科學性,可預測颱、颶風、地震、災異、兵燹、凶禍及泯除法;更可預測知病,做先天性與後天性生理性體格檢查,得能早做預防保健治療;脈診也能了解人的心理性、人的性格、氣化生理、環境通塞、智商與賢愚、意念欲殺人、滅人族國、自殺、強暴、行不守理法等,都可診檢預知和治療,把美的保有,不善的早做醫除;其他如養生、保健、舞操、美容、保胎、種子、生男育女法、宮外孕療法、住宅磁場順吉法等,都可以預做吉善與救治。尚有善法未盡敘說。本碟每張售價美金15元。

The Chinese Medicine and I-Philosophy Space Medicine CD: This CD records the essence of the authors’ practices. It has wide range of contents including The Science of Chinese Medicine Pulsation, forecast of typhoon, earthquake, disaster, war and the solution. It can also diagnose the pre-natal and post-natal diseases and practice preventive medicine in advance. Pulsation diagnosis can also be used to analyze the human psychology, character, “Qi-Hua” physiology, opened and stuffed circumstances, intelligence and stupidity, desire of killing, suicide, rape, unlawful acts and diagnose earlier with treatment. It is also good for health care, body protection, dancing, cosmetology, embryo protection, pre-select the sex of child, magnetic field of house adjustment. It sells US$15 with additional postage.

6.                              人體 氣章 氣 色 脈 聲 韻 納甲數據 養生中文操作電腦輸入法:下面分別給這題目中幾個名詞先做說明,所謂 〝氣章〞 是人體經絡生理性命〞氣脈的振動,它契合宇宙偕行與天體同步;它好似京劇班的板鼓,就因有板鼓領班的振動(o打板眼),戲堣慦漫M武的演者都要聽它指揮,劇堣H物的悲、歡、離、合、情、志、病、痛,生理的、病理的、心理的、病態的、歡快的,統統在洽似板鼓手下o響的板鼓點子響聲埵b指控著,有如 〝氣章〞 般契合地表現出來。它的振動為氣,隨氣之動有神、色、脈、聲等,正常健康人氣脈振動自亦合於天上〝河圖〞、地上〝洛書〞數,其聲、脈、色、氣神、動十數為〝〞,故稱叫 〝氣章〞,簡稱為《氣章養生輸入法》。其氣動不能失〝〞,色不能失,脈不能失滑和,聲不能失音韻,韻不能離宮商,宮商不能不步聲韻,聲韻不能不和,脈動不能不含神色,色不能不重時時不中氣章〞隳,〝性命〞氣亂,陰陽生剋數早現,在所有工作中便會蝕損人體的氣、神、血,消耗精髓(鈣離子)健康!

Human body Qi-Zhang, color, pulse, sound and tone, the data of Heaven-Earth Constitution, health care and Chinese computer input method: Below explain a few words of the topic, Qi-Zhang is the vibration of pulsating Qi of the living property of the meridian physiology,  It is in synchronization with the universal and planetary movement; It is like the drum of the Chinese theatrical show, the performers of the show lead by the beat of the drum, the act of sorrow, happy, separation, union, affection, aspiration, sickness, pain, physiological, pathological, psychological, sickly, joy, all are under the control of the beat of the drum, appear as though like the Qi-Zhang. It vibrates because of Qi, along the vibration of Qi spirit, color, pulse, tone and etc exist, the vibration of the pulsating Qi of a healthy person is in synchronization with the number of “He-Tu” of the heaven and the “Luo-Xu” of the earth, the sound, pulse, color, Qi and spirit moves in number of ten is called Zhang, and therefore it is called Qi-Zhang.  When the Qi moves the Zhang must not be lost, the color must not lose the spirit and primary & secondary, the pulse must not lose the smoothness and harmony, the sound must not lose tone, the tone must not lose the accurate pronunciation, the pronunciation must be in pace with the sound, the sound must be in harmony with the pulse, the pulse must contain the spirit and the color, the color must be right with time, if the time is not right, the Qi-Zhang becomes disorder, the Qi of the living property is disturbed, and the generating and controlling of Ying Yang appears, and all undertakings will damage one’s Qi, spirit, blood, depletes semen and bone marrow (calcium ion).上述〝氣章的解說,是就中國一些古老事理做說明,或許有點難明白,那麼再以〝雷射〞做譬喻,〝雷射〞是聚電為光束成射線,它能保護自己領空,擊落飛來無駕駛人的飛機及有人駕駛人的預警飛機,落下不受傷害,今天科技醫學家用它來像〝氣章那樣來治病,像激光治療,激光手術刀治療,當然它也能搜索太空大宇宙堛漪P體,也能追n搜索人體小宇宙堛滲f黴體,故氣章有似〝雷射〞般功能。氣章還有宏觀一元功用,譬如說太陽陽光照射到地球須要五分鐘光速時間,如果使用〝氣章〞設計輸入法裝設電腦中,地球同〝仙女座〞彼此通話,可使百萬光年距離變成〝零〞距離了。

The above-explained Qi-Zhang is according to the explanation of the ancient Chinese, which may be difficult to be understood.  Then let use laser as an example, laser is lights focus into a fine line, it can defense one’s territory in space, it can bring down unmanned plane and manned espionage plane, without damaging them.  Today, laser is used in medical treatment just like Qi-Zhang use in TCM e.g. laser treatment, surgery by laser operating knife . It has the same property like Qi-Zhang in its ability to search for planets in universe, and also can pursue, search for signs of illness in the human body, and therefore, Qi-Zhang is having the same property of laser.  Qi-Zhang also has the holistic function, for e.g. it takes sunlight 5 minutes traveling at the speed of light to reach the earth, if Qi-Zhang is used in designing the input method and installation of computer, it can shorten distance of million of light years to nil.


Na-Jia : Jia, is the ten numbers of Tian-Gan, and that is made up pf Jia (one), Yi (two),  Bin (three), Ding (four), Mao (five), Ji (six), Kang (seven), Xin (eight), Ren (nine), Qwei (ten), draw a nine grid square and the space with the ten Tian-Gan numbers representing the Ying and Yang of Wu-Xing (five elements): metal, wood, water, earth, fire, and admitting the Qi of Zhang-Fu, Yian Qi, Wei Qi, also five colors, five pulses, five tones, five fingers hitting the keyboard as though like fingers dancing on the keyboard, by changing the speed of the finger’s movement enabling the reversal of contradiction into generation, it can improve the flow of pulsating Qi in the body during working hours.  The Jia of Ten-Gan, as though like the key on the computer keyboard, represent the leading number or zero, with the other nine numbers which are closely related, the keying process when orchestrated properly will promote grow mutually, beneficial to one’s health, non-manipulative, mutually beneficial, it is natural science theory. The learning of this input method is beneficial to everyone. However, the trend of rampant development of virus in computer which has more than 90,000 types to date may surpass the usage of biological, chemical and stealth warfare, and therefore, one must understand the natural law of Heaven-Earth Constitution and its application in order to protect one self and the computer.

形與氣和陰陽,學者不該再有爭議,該統一微觀宏觀渺觀、說 , 如今科技越發達,愈跟中國古文化哲理越契合,如電微波、微中子、宇宙射(電)波、宇宙線等都是無形的,人用眼睛看不見的,但科學家一致承認它,如〝光子〞〝線體〞〝電波〞等,就像人體〝氣章〞振動,是人體本有的,而科學家說沒法瞧見,所以不認識它,它在人體媢B行,能合於天地同步偕行的。生物學家研究生物,過去是從百分比顯微觀察認知,現在近至千分萬分比顯微觀察認知;更有科學家創納米微觀研究,所謂納米微觀究僅有多微,微又有多大呢?它是一顆原子釐米的千分之一的再千分之一那麼大吧,有人計算納米用地球來比擬,這一比地球只有鴿子蛋那麼大點兒。核子振動研究,每秒鐘振數數十億次,可是電腦位元數的擴大,每秒鐘振動一百五十億次。電腦依據八卦開方四零九六數而創發,如四零九六再再開方,顯微鏡下也無見微觀了,這不就回復宏觀一元元氣論了麼,電腦便超領其他科技之上,那麼操作電腦就在輸入法。使用電腦的人不可不採選而具有可保健與健康的輸入法!

The form and Qi, Ying and Yang, it should not be disputed by scholars anymore, the view of micro, macro and ultra-micro should be unified.  Now technology develops with leap and bound, and there are abundant evidences of similarity between new technology and the ancient Chinese philosophy, like the electro micro wave, neutron, electro wave of universe, which are all invisible to the naked eye, but scientist acknowledge of their existence, just like the vibration of Q- Zhang in the body, it is part of the body, however, scientist refuse to acknowledge it because it is invisible.  It circulates within the body, its movement is in synchronization with the Heaven-Earth Constitution.  Biologist used to do research with microscope of 100 plus times of magnifying power, the modern microscopic power is thousand times more powerful, they even have developed the research of ultra micro view, how micro is micro? It is twice thousand times smaller that an atom. When compares the equivalent size of the earth to Nano, the earth is equivalent to an egg of a pigeon.  The research of nuclear vibration shows that the vibration frequency can reach billion times per second, whereas the computer processor frequency reaching 15 billion times per second.  The computer is invented based on the square root of the Ba Gua number of 4096.  If 4096 square root again, it is so micro even the modern electronic microscope is unable to detect, then it return to the theorem of holistic macro view, computer technology will surpass all other technologies, and the control of the computer is through the input, and it is of paramount important that one should master the healthy input method.

本輸入法只有中國文字具有形、音、意三符全備的,又有五聲聲韻四聲,才能使用十個納甲數據,不用讀唸,無須背記,見形按數 (樂譜) 扣韻擊聲輸入,可祛除人體生理諸般病黴體和病態, 修補體內敗隳的基因至臻善美。使用它能開啟人體內埵蛣M能量的、為藥祛病,而不需用錢買。在操做電腦輸入時,是使用人體寣氣章〞之O,它能自動損益人體氣血的不足或有餘,故大有裨益人體健康,尤便於中外各界人士快速學習與使用。將這十個數納甲,即是既與人體臟腑經脈生理契合,又與天地氣運同步,更給物體合成機體,三者貫通,是有利於人體的輸入法,既使您的電腦能作益人的工作,又還兼有診斷治療與保健的作用,祈望閱者注意加入中華醫易太空醫學網友,共同為電腦事業革命創造,享受購買和研習的優待,如國家地球村須用您,您還可膺做地球村村防的指揮將軍,製造電腦微波醫療器,兼用它還可掃除和控制一切科學殺人武器與敵人,而保謢人體衛氣長存減少傷害,也可弭平網際戰鬥、戰術、戰略、戰法、失去效用,永遠屹立在和平自由博愛的這方。醫者控御〝氣章〞堸w灸手法的〝針頭氣〞如電腦微波、衝擊波,直可驅滅電腦病毒,並能改變螞蟻體內酸性變作手太陰辛味的基因,小螞蟻可反蝕鐵甲兵團穿山甲的強國族N,管教西方古羅馬城和中國的古東京繁華都會褪色的。用它製作電腦微波診療機, 可開辦太空診療醫務。至於其他諸般實際理法和操作方法,都另見輸入操作法,預定本輸入法軟件郵購美金25元,集體研習美金100元。

Our computer input method is only suitable for Chinese character complete with form, tone and meaning, for the application of ten Na-Jia Tien-Gan’s number. It is not necessary to read or remember, input the number (musical note) likes hitting a note on a keyboard producing a tone in according to the form, it can dispel various symptoms of disease in the body, repair the disordered genes. It can activate one’s body internal natural energy of Qi, color, pulse, tone, flavor become medicine in treating the sickness, and it does not cost anything. When operating the computer, the Qi-Zhang is in action, it can automatically adjust the excess or shortage of one’s qi and blood, therefore, it is beneficial to one’s health, and it is convenient for both foreigners and Chinese to master and use.  The input method of ten Na-Jia numbers, corresponding with the meridian physiology of one body’s zhang fu, synchronize (1) with the circulation of Qi of heaven and earth (2), the pivotal element of synthesized substance (3).  The linkage of these three principles, is beneficial to the input method, i.e. the computer is beneficial to the human works, and also having the effect of diagnosis, treatment and health care.  It is our wish that you can join as a member of the Chinese Space I-medicine, work together towards the goal of revolutionize the application of computer, i.e. develops computerized microwave diagnostic equipment, which is also effective in eliminating and controlling the mass destructive weapon and enemy, in order to protect the Wei Qi of the human body and therefore reduce injuries to the body.  It can also invalidate the internet warfare, tactic, strategy, method, forever stand on the side of peace and love.  Doctor control the Qi-Zhang’s acupunctural needle tip’s qi, like the computerized microwave, vibrating frequency, can destroy the computer virus, and also can transform the acid of ant’s body into Shou Tai Ying’s pungent flavor gene, the genetically modified ant can consume the steel outer shell of the tank of the invading army, pale into insignificant the prosperity of the ancient Roman empire and Chinese middle kingdom.  The computerized microwave diagnostic devices can be applied in space medical diagnosis.  All theory and operation details will be written in the book of Input Method. The sales price of this book will be USD25, the course for study will be USD100.


7.                  甲 骨 文 古 代 疾 病 病 類 譯 釋 (又名古文病例今醫)

The explanation and translation of disease and classification inscribed on tortoise shell (The modern medical application of ancient inscription of disease)


The inscription on tortoise shell is the theorem of ancient medicine, and is also the record of disease treatment and details of herbs, and plenty of the medical categories and studies, the developed medical technique like acupunctural anesthesia, painless delivery, tooth extraction, limp amputation, abdominal, brain, heart surgery and etc which has not been fully comprehended by modern medical science.  The discovery of contagious disease like smallpox, its vaccination, treatment and pharmacology, dated back to dynasty Shan more than 2500 BC., recorded in hexagram 25 & 26 ; “Wu Wang” (Fidelity) and “Da Chu” (the taming power of the great) in I-Ching (please refer to the monthly magazine of Cong Yuan article and recovery of Chinese culture for details), recorded in details, however, from Han dynasty to Ching dynasty, it has not been mentioned by scholars in China.  There are hundreds of item of disease category and inscription on the tortoise shell, only the important inscriptions are extracted and translated, every case of disease is explained in words and drawings, the book is in progress, each book will be sold at US20.



Chinese Medicine I-Philosophy Space Medicine Institute


Mental Adjustment Hall


Those who wish to research and studyseek medical consultationpurchase tea booksor contact us with special workmanufacturing methods and skills or joint services and etcplease contact Mental adjustment Hall of Chinese Space Medicine Research Institutethe contact and operations are as follows



          Those who want to study space medicinetraditional natural medical treatmentpurchase booksjoint servicesoutsource of service etc, please contact our website and fax the descriptions in Chinese.



          Those who want to purchase teabooksplease pay the list price and postage or courier fee. We will process the order and deliver them as soon as possible after receiving the fax. The methods of payment are1.the mail bank draft or telegraphic transfer 2. Remit via net.



          Tea powder packagein order to deliver conveniently and reduce the packaging chargewe will not cushion-pack, we will pack in traditional natural way to show that there is no artificial additives or inorganic ingredients.


           Tea for eradication of headache and giddinesseach contains 100 gm to 150 gm per packageand the list price is 25 US dollars.anyone can suffer the symptoms irrespective whether children or elders. Most of the children and teenagers are externally infected by wind, while most of the adult and elders are infected due to deficiency of Ying blood and the Jing Qi. It arise from internal bruises and wind vibration initially, and affected by excessive external wind, or wrong prescription for internal bruises, overlook and etc.)



          Tea for curing influenzathe list price of 100gm to 150 gm per package is 20US dollars. The children and teenagers who are deficient of  Qi and blood of spleen and stomach, or injure by eating habits or infect by cold weather, or pre-natal contradiction developed between lung and kidney. The teenagers indulge in masturbation; the adults over-work both his body and mindor deficient of innate physiologyand disharmony in post-natal physiology. They are easily susceptible to external factor such as cold, wind, rain and changing weather. Most of the elders catch colds because of weak body, losing opportunity to interact socially or with familythe children and teenagers are lack of learning skills, while both the youth and adults loss the drive and energy.



            Tea to treat irregular mensesthe list price is 25 US dollars per package of 100 gm to 150 gm.irregular menses continuously affecting health and emotion. It does not go well with learning or relation with others, poor working relationship, the appearance wanting of beauty, or can not have excellent children, or deficient in virtuous, intelligent and health.



           Tea for treating internal injury and eliminating stasis: the list price is 25 US dollars per package of 100 gm to 150 gm.if there are internal injuries caused car accidentsbump or hits, the blocked channels will be stagnant and not flow smoothly. It is not only hard to cure completely when suffer from ailment, but easily cause hidden disease or disasters. Once he meets with disasters, he lacks protection from Zheng-Qi (vital-energy), the disasters happen suddenly and unavoidable



           Tea for cosmetologythe list price is 20 US dollars per package of 100 gm to 150 gm (cosmetology begins internally, eliminate scars and sores growing on face if you are healthy, external look will be beautiful and natural, the skin is moist and smooth, there is clear light in eyes when look at, the voice is nice and smooth, the behavior and manner are suitable, far away from worried face, frown, scold, it is good to ourselves and others.



           Customized tea for specific diseasethose who have positive effect from drinking tea but other symptoms remain, if you want to buy tea to treat the disease, please state the symptoms, complete the table, print and fax to us,  pay the fee by mail to us. The customized tea will be sent to you upon completion. It is more than 150 gm per package, including additional herbs and procedural charges is about 50 to 100 US dollars. Please check out the fee first.



Method of taking the above tea: Adult3gm to 6gm each time and twice to four time everyday. Take them by mixing with warm water. Patient with more serious condition please increase quantityand take them after boiling with warm water.  Childplease decrease quantity by half.

Attentionyou can add maltose or brown sugar when taking the above tea.  However, those who have diarrhea or diabetes should avoid honey, crystal sugar, or white sugar.


四)、各家創發奇效良方合併服務:購買法請先參見上述說明,及本節下述說明: The service of combining effective prescription created by various partiesPlease read the above explanation before purchase and descriptions as follows




Health care tooth powderkey effectsto clean teeth, protect gums, prevent and cure periodical disease of tooth, and keep the oral cavity refreshing.

If you are interested in it, please contact 勝玉堂Mr.陳建忠 directly.

Add. Rm.6, 4F,No.122, st.Omei, Taipei city, Taiwan, R.O.C.



2)黛眉膏粉:主理:活血、化瘀、祛風、生眉、聰慧、瘦身、預防頭目疼痛、眉目跳動、逐霉。售價美金10元,意者逕詢  電話:886-02-23820356.或傳真:603-21451627電話:603-21443318.洽。款寄萬壽永收。

Blackening the eyebrows: main curefacilitate the flow of blood eliminate stasisdispel the windrejuvenate the eyebrowsimprove intelligentlose fatprevent headache and eyes painbrows and eyes pulsatingexpel bad energy. The price is 10 US dollars.

If you are interested in it ,please contact as follows

Tel886-02-23820356.or Fax603-21451627


Remit money to 萬壽永。


3) (ti)履健足保健膏粉:主理:悍滿B健美、悅顏、保健、預防疾病等,售價美金20元,有意者見仝上傳真電話洽。

    Foot care powdermain curenice appearancestrong and handsomepleased facehealth careprevent diseases, etc. The selling price is 20 US dollars. The contact is the same as above.



    Regular menses and cosmetology powdermain curethe quality of menses is not goodirregularity of menstruationeliminate myomabeautifying face, ect..the selling price is 20 US dollars. The contact is the same as above.



   The prostate congee drinkmain curedeficiency in kidney-Yin albuminuria urine difficultymen hypertrophy of the prostatewomen leucorrhoeathe ovary swollen, etc. No positive reactions in medical examination, it helps to prevent the above-mentioned diseases. The selling price is 20 US dollars. The contact is the same as above.


6)面容無痕散:主理:活血、止血、止痛、諸般創傷癒後不留疤痕等。售價美金10元,意者洽見仝上傳真電話 。

    Face without scars powdermain curefacilitating the blood flowstop bleedingrelieve pain all kinds of wounds without scars, etc. The selling price is 10 US dollars. The contact is the same as above.



    Promoting Yang magic moxibustionmain cureman’s impotent getting tired easilyunfocus mindsforgetfulwoman’s frigidnessemmeniopathydysmenorrheaturbid leucorrhoeacold womb and barrenness fidgety emotionface and skin ate not moist, etc. The selling price is 20 US dollars. The contact is the same as above.



   Magic effect scatter moxibustion methodmain curewet poison hot poisonsore poison rash poison red rash killing bugs and relieving itching. The selling price is 40 US dollars. The contact is the same as above.



     Swollen lump and tumor creammain curethe breast swollen abdominal lumpurgent and chronic appendicitis chest lump upper-side lumpneck tumorwound phyma and blood lumpphlegmDampnessfire poison tumoror feel as silk ribbon and hard piece under skin, etc. The selling price is 20 US dollars. The contact is the same as above.



1)中 醫 脈 診:說明三十種脈象與主病及十二臟腑經絡的關係,選用入經藥與藥的四氣五味與其入經性裁方治病,不必套用樣板死方湯頭和背記方歌開方,可給每一病人做對證裁方施療。讀者閱讀本書時,要同時參閱<萬氏太素心理脈學>。本書(中文)全一冊售價美金20元。

   There are book CD below in Chinese Space medicine book store written by萬壽永.

Chinese medicine pulse diagnosis

Describe the relation of 30 pulses with main diseases and 12 Zhang-Fu and meridian. Choosing medicines for meridian, four Qi and five flavors  of medicine to suit the treatment and cure diseases, and needn’t to apply template prescription and memorize them for diagnosis and treatment based on an overall analysis and differentiation of symptoms and signs. If readers read this book, please refer to Wan’s Tay-Suh Pulseology for Psychoanalysis. The selling price is $20 US dollars with totally one book by Chinese.


2)萬 氏 太 素 心 理 脈 學:說明每種脈象與人體經絡生理、病理、心理、性格、智愚、才幹,乃至人的六親、環境、際遇關係,更說明脈論氣象與颱風的準確性,以及闡明脈能關乎到地震、火山、戰爭的暴發,核彈的襲來。本書創古今不說之言,並補說了漢末劉卲《人物志》所論選才任人的心理,清朝曾國藩《冰鑑》鑑才任賢者,其所已任人在性格與生理上有某些小瘕疵時,可以用藥調治祛其不善,使之全德做人。如此有助世上志士參閱,成為大丈夫自做天下英傑雄武領袖。本書(中文)全一冊售價美金25元。

Wan’s Tay-Suh Pulseology for PsychoanalysisDescribe the relation between every pulse and the human body meridian physiology pathologypsychologymettleintelligence and talent, extending to the relation to relatives, environments and experience. Moreover, it describes the accuracy of tense pulse with climate and earthquakes, running pulse with the occurrence of earthquake, volcano, war and nuclear bomb. This book explain the theory that never spoken before, and excursus the physiology of selecting people in People Remark by Liu Shauo(Han dynasty) 漢末劉卲《人物志》 and  Ice Check by Chen Ko-Fan(Chin dynasty)清朝曾國藩《冰鑑》. We can cure them by medicine to eliminate their weakness to complete morality in case of our people with some small defect in mettle and physiology. It can help people to take reference from men to leaders. The selling price is 20 US dollars with totally one book by Chinese.


3)中 醫 檢 診 用 藥:本書為當世首創之著,說明中醫經絡生理系統與解剖生理系統的對應關係,給中西醫者持對西醫檢驗數據單,可篩選入經的中藥對證裁方為病人施療。本書中文本正擬擴充編輯為網上讀物,暫不予網上發售。

TCM Inspection, Diagnosis and PrescriptionThis book is a revolutions and innovation today. It describes the corresponding relation of physical systems between TCM meridian physiology and anatomy, providing doctors of both Chinese and Western Medicine with the medical report, treatment through meridian with a wide selection of Chinese herbs. It is expected to expand the editing for web reading, thus not sold on web temporally.


)鍼 灸 救 生 學:說明げ習針灸醫術和針灸手法正確的要法,以及針灸術能代替西醫外科手術不用開刀癒病,如針灸治盲腸炎、胃潰瘍等症,而是急證急效,並將盲腸炎急救法,總製一表,譯以英、法、德、日、俄及西班牙文,同時又說明針灸能救治其他醫術不能救治悶氣生和悶氣死的人。本書中文本全一冊,售價美金15元。

     Theory of acupuncture for life-savingIt describes the correct methods of learning acupuncture and moxibustion, and curing diseases without surgery. For examples, treatment appendicitis and gastric ulcer and etc. with acupuncture. It is effective on acute diseases. We prepare a table for the life-saving therapy for appendicitis in English, French, German, Japanese and Russian, and explain how acupuncture and moxibustion can save those patients suffered from stuffed Qi which other medical method cannot cure. The selling price is 15 US dollars per book (Chinese).


)中 華 醫 易 太 空 醫 學 脈 診 颱 震 光 碟:為嚮應聯合國減除自然災害與保障人類和平及遠除戰禍,特製本光碟供世人げ究,只要人人會摸脈,便可預測颱風、暴雨、洪水、雪暴的形成和來襲;會診脈,可預知地震、火山暴發、暴雷雨、沙暴、戰爭、核彈或生化毒氣來襲,都可綢繆預先減免災害。同時還說明了化颱化震的方法,給颱風、地震的害處轉化為對人類有益處,而積極能為地球人類造福祉。另還說明有極多項目救人的醫治技能與避災免禍的預測方法。本光碟每張售價美金10元。

              TCM I-Medical Space Medicine Pulse Diagnosis of Typhoons and Earthquakes CDThe CD is specially made for study in response to United Nations’ call for elimination of natural disasters and protecting human being from war and calamity. As long as everyone can read “Tense” pulse on the three “Guan” on the wrist, we can predict the formation and arrival of typhoons, rain storm, flood and snow storm; If : ”Moving” pulse is detected, the attack from the earthquakes, volcano eruption, thunder storms, desert storms, wars, nuclear bombs or bio-chemical weapons can be predicted, and preventive measures can be taken ahead to avoid the disasters in advance. Meanwhile, it also describes the method to eliminate typhoon and earthquake and transform the destructive effects of typhoon and earthquake into beneficial effects to mankind. The CD is priced at 10 US dollars per piece.


6)人體 氣章 氣 色 脈 味 聲 韻 納甲數據 養生中文操作電腦輸入法:將中國古代文化十天干數,天地生成陰陽五行數,納甲入十天干數及人體〝氣章〞數,結合電腦輸入法,再依中醫人體經絡生理,變易電腦操作工作時,合於每個人經絡氣章〞數的灌溉和濡養。每個人體氣血所具的五類:、洽適平衡而又具自然生理健康人體的人很少,大多數的人不是某些部分生理組織或基因過多逾分便是不及,因此帶病在身,這些人於使用電腦時,本輸入法扣韻o聲譜音,能給其身多餘的、損而減之,不足的補正加強,人體細胞〝基因圖譜〞不正的也給復正了,故能癒疾健身。此、是人體固有的大藥,不用錢買,依P的經脈生理,將它貫透本養生輸入法之中,凡使用它,人人可獲保健與健康!預定本輸入法軟件,郵購售美金25元。

Chinese computer operation input for health care of human body Qi-Zhang, color, flavor, sound, tone, Na-Jia It combines Chinese ancient culture of Ten Tien-Gan-Shu, the Ying-Yang Wu-Xing (five elements) of heaven-earth constitution, Na-Jia into Ten Tien-Gan-Shu and human body Qi-Zhang-Shu structures into method of  computer input, then adjust the computer operation with reference to TCM human body meridian physiology, match with nourishment of individual meridian and Qi-Zhang. The Qi and blood of human body contain five types of: Qi, color, pulse, tone, flavor, however, few have balance and natural and physiologically healthy constitution, majority is either having excess of or lacking of certain part of the physiological form or genes, therefore, prompt to certain diseases.  For the above-mentioned majority, they can practice the Chinese Operation Input Method to reduce the excesses of Qi, color, pulse, tone, flavor, and strengthening the shortages, and the “genetic map” of human cells can be rectified, recovering from illness and strengthening the body.  These Qi, color, pulse, tone, flavor are the inherent medicine of human body and it is free of charge.  By reference to the meridian physiology, and link up with this Chinese computer operation input method, anyone who practice it will enjoy good health.  The price is 25 US dollars.


7)甲 骨 文 古 代 疾 病 病 類 譯 釋:中國古代醫藥醫技創發有:推拿、藥療、氣功療法、針灸療法、麻醉、外科、無痛助產、拔牙不痛、截肢外科、腦胸外科、換心手術(手術無痛,出血少,創口癒復快,凡受手術人都在清醒態狀下由醫生手術,故無麻醉不醒的弊害)、空間醫療、方藥醫療、醫理、醫案,每一醫案用毛筆摩寫,各成一幅字畫型而美觀。售價美金30元。以上電話:886-02-23820356.或傳真:603-21451627電話:603-21443318.洽。款寄萬壽永收。

Turtle shell inscription ancient diseases explanation : The creations of Chinese ancient medical skill aremassage, medical treatment, Qi-Gong, acupuncture and moxibustion,  anesthesia,  surgery, indolent  obstetric , painless tooth extraction, leg or hand amputation, brain and chest surgery, heart transplant surgeryindolent, little hemorrhage, wound recover quickly. All the patients received surgery are conscious and awake, thus there is no fatality caused by anesthesia., space treatment, prescription treatment, medical theory, medical cases, each medical case is written by brush to become a beautiful caligraphic-drawing. The selling price is $30 US dollars. Tel886-02-23821536.  Fax603-21451627  Tel603-21443318.remit to Mr. Wan Shou-Yun.


六)、購者注意事項 (Attentions to buyers)

1) 意者、購者名姓、性別、結婚已未;出生紀元公曆年、月、日、時;族人別、自然人、居住高山人、海洋人,南北極寒帶人、熱帶人;髮色、膚色、習慣、嗜好、特長;教育學籍、職業,經歷;國別;出生地、州、省、詳細地址、連絡通訊地址、電話、傳真、網址等。填寫詳細,書寫恭整,填寫於附表格內。但是也可以選項填寫,如意者姓名、性別、國別、出生年、月、日、時,及通信地址和通信方法如電話、傳真等,必須填寫。

The name, gender, marriage or single of the buyerThe birth time, date, month and year by Christianity calendarrace, natural person, living in high land or on oceans, polar frigid zone, torrid zonecolor of hair, complexion, habits, hobby, special aptitudeeducation, career, experiencenationality, birthplace, state, province, detail address, contact address, phone number, fax, email, etc. please write them in detail and clearly into attached table. Nevertheless, you can choose some items, while items like Name of interested person, gender, nationality, time, date, month, year of birthday, and contact address and phone number, fax, etc is compulsory.



      Please choose the way to mail due to the different area of buyers, ex. By air express or by sea. Please inquire clearly and pay in full including postage and registered feesometimes the postage is much more expansive then the tea costto avoid troubles of rework and time-delaying. 


3)附表:attached table

中 華 太 空 醫 易 醫 學 研 究 院

Chinese Space Medicine I-Philosophy Medicine Institute


Mental Adjustment Hall


Tel886-02-23820356.or 603-21443318 Fax603-21451627   Remit to Mr. Wan Shou-Yun













(詳細地址,detail address)


結婚已未Married or Single





(詳細地址,detail address)



髮色Hair color








教育學籍 Education







Contact Add.

(詳細地址,detail address)








Symptoms Code

(參考上述資料, Refer to above-mentioned)  例如for example: 101,239…


Other Symptoms

(中文書寫,Write in Chinese)


Order Number

(參考上述資料, Refer to above-mentioned)  例如for example:A-1,B-2…


Offer way

空運/海運  By air express, or by sea








A letter to readers and patients on web


Dear readers and patients, May you happy and healthy! You are all intelligent and have your own approach in life and career, like maintaining an ever lasting love affair, maintaining a healthy living, health care when sick and the way to recovery. However, one must know the medical treatment of modern age requiring the scientific medicine and TCM to be mutually supportive and accommodating, in order to allow patients to have more opportunities and methods of treatment.  Therefore, one must exercise wisdom in choosing the methods of treatment in order to avoid regret later.  If one fall sick, one must pay attention to food and living, select the right treatment. 


In view of many patient caught in anxiety, worry due to blind spot in medical treatment developed during the renaissance period of seventeen century. We offer the descriptions of TCM and treatment of some common diseases. Although we have explained the tea and food treatment to readers, readers and patients must choose them with wisdom. This is because nowadays, invisible weapons like chemical, bio-chemical and radioactive intentionally or unintentionally attacking, human being driven by greed, obtaining profit by cheating, widely spread to every corner of the global village, Some people fell down without regaining consciousness, and some died due to drinking water, choking with food, teeth broken when eating .Some are happy, while others are suffering from vomiting and diarrhea, some grief, there are even some unconsciously infected by diseases through mouth, nose , skin and develop into uncommon diseases.  With regards to this unusual phenomenon, we hope the readers would exercise their wisdom in selecting the mail order and purchases, our company will not bear any legal responsibility to your purchase.


Our mission is to care for your health, promote preventive health care, and the most important thing of health care is to strengthen body. The first thing is Qi-Gong exercise: such as: Chinese boxing, gymnastic, yoga, Qi-Gong, dancing, and diet. We recommend medical treatment only if unavoidable. First of all, we describe the TCM treatment on some usual chronic and rejected diseases which are hard to be cured, giving the hope to people as though like a lighted match. Although it is like uncountable stars twinkling in the dark sky, maybe you can spot the highway leading to your health.


Next, we explain the healthcare! And health care is to explain TCM, using it to treat the current chronic and rejected diseases, and it has been proven practically to heal many people.  It is necessary to know that although TCM can cure certain chronic and rejected disease, the effectiveness which is stated above, its effectiveness is localized and the treatment unable to be spread widely, at the same time, the productive source of medicine is limited.  It is hope that medical and pharmaceutical scholars are able to find the source of the medicine for diseases, and develop effective new drugs to benefit people of the world.


As regards to eating and drinking, frolicking, and taking medicines etc., it is common to notice that food rich in cholesterol and promote acid are consumed together in function, for those with smooth pulse of spleen, they are prompt to chronic stomach ulcerate pain developed in the middle of night, and it could kill if delay in seeking medical treatment.  For those with weak pulse of spleen and timid consume it, it will improve their vitality and body.  There are people died during eating, unconscious after taking medication, die after heaving a sigh during sport or encounter accident outdoor.  Today when we observe these cases, refer to the TCM meridian physiology, with reference to history, it is not difficult to form a perspective that there is a blind spot in the flourishing modern medicine.  It is our believe that it is unfair to blame the cook, doctor, tour coordinator, sport, shipping, or captain for the accident, and it is unfair to put all the blame on them. With regards to the social system, there is system in insuring these events.  However, at the current moment, our organization is financially unable to have any liability insurance for the users even though it is our mission to serve with integrity, we hereby notify and hope that you are able to understand!


Finally, we bring to the attention that some bad omen reveals before the accidental death to those persons concerned for prevention. There is an old saying that caution reduces the chances of meeting an accident by half. The tooth break into pieces when chewing food is due to losing sperm from masturbation over a long period. To die after heaving a sigh in sport is due to losing too much sperm beforehand. Youth fall from buildings when leaning against the railing is due to wisdom-lacking caused by licentious mind. These are due to parents and teachers without common sense and do not care for them.  Who are only concern about the material result achieved as cherish by this modern society, overlook to resolve issue when it is immaterial.  Those who are in trance, having unusual complexion is due to significant contradiction developed between the internal organs; Those who see images or see nothing is losing their soul and vitality, and spirit will leave the body soon. Sorrowful scream and howl, freaky listening, protect wealth and fond of materialistic goods, near-sighted due to energy loss, so that the pupils scatter and disasters are coming.


Pulse Diagnosis: Patients’ innate and post-natal true pulse appear, such as Dai (irregular) pulse, Jie (slow and irregular) pulse, Zhu (abrupt) pulse, Fu (hidden) pulse and etc appear in contradicting time and body; The pulses of contradicting time like: Zhen-Xuan (true wiry) pulse in four seasons(18days before end of season) Zhen-Luan (slow) pulse in the winter, Zhen-Hong (full)pulse in the autumn, Zhen-Cen (sunken) in the summer, Fu (floating) pulse in the spring, and without stomach energy. Doctor should not prescribe medicine or acupuncture if the patients do not agree or willing; Be sure not to ignore TCM Qi-Hua pulse diagnosis in surgery because accident will occur on the operating table if only depending on positive or negative reactions stated in the medical reports.


最後簡單說明做中醫人的品格與技藝的修為,在品格上就是要敬人愛物;在為醫素養上,務必立心:〈在明明德〉;德、即是生人利物,如天地具有生養萬物的大德;〈明、明德〉、是要致力修得《內經》《上古通天論》所說的真人、聖人、賢人的醫藝和道心,(直心隱化之意);修具有醫、哲、道、的善心,即是〈明、明德〉了,才可做大醫,行做預防醫政醫技,醫治天下有病而未見陽性反應有病的人。待病症發生去檢查,而見了陽性反應才醫療,是認〝症〞治療實已慢了一步,中醫叫做失〝證〞治療,這樣中醫認為病人已是半生半死了。〈在親親〉;親親、不見儒家《禮記大學》篇,但記在《道藏、大學》堙A修會做大醫的人,了然自身經絡氣化生理,故醫病不是最先從動物體試驗,而是先從自身及自己親人實踐醫療,繼之醫國人、世界人,就像醫自己和親人般傴趥P看待病人,不致發生醫治貽誤。至於有謂怕〝白虎湯〞傷親的說法,那是不通曉經脈〝流注學〞的原故,同時也易犯〝動手〞〝開口〞便錯的毛病。〈在親民〉,民、《說文》本意是目眚、氓民、欠缺文明,親、左半邊本意是修植、手術,有如砍去舊枝冒出新枝,翳除復視,以致超覺明物心識,人人具博愛自由,義務勤勞,自我遠離酒漿色勞,養生保健等素養,引意為汎愛眾而親人與服務。〈在止於至善〉,是說善醫如政事愛民,終至人人慧開智廣不圖私用,健康強身力不為己出,世人樂生無疾,乃至送歿以禮,是謂之〈止於至善〉!你、是慈善家、教育家、各宗教家、各宗派宗師、聖者,以及各界離休下崗與活到老學到老諸大德們!我們經歷了上世紀歷史檢證過唯主義之爭的慘痛教訓,不當再有一刀切涇渭般經營,惟有止於至善的〝醫理〞,才可泯除新世紀門伐教派不當興起之爭!願世人該參悟到古〝聖哲、易理〞,〝出〞與〝入〞是統一的,互榮為世界的整體,做到出靜有入的情入躁有出的心,兩兩契合,是〈止於至善〉,然後服務於眾,才是力出自我身不是為己圖私,智用在我腦不是為己謀利,這才是參與至美至善,盡己愛人,救世醫人,醫世活人! 敬頌  健康!

There are people with facial complexion like newly cut wilted grass, blue, yellow as dust, white as powder, red as smoked, black as smoke liver mosses, especially five sense organs and five facial features and tongue should not reveal black liver mosses color, while the forehead and area between eye brow should not reveal little piece of red stasis, dark red color. We describe the colors of face and symptoms for general readers to identify easily. Those who are charitable and doctors who understanding pulse are certainly happy to help people. May wise readers if having facial complexion with un-well colors, encounter situation between safety and danger, must initiate self rectification, and should seek medication in advance to get rid of disasters and diseases, preserving a happy environment with family, and not to encumbrance anyone and cause other to be wronged without reason., You are the master of your own career and destiny, and even your team and the country’s development and existence.


Lastly, explain in brief the level of character and skill required to be a TCM doctor, on character, he must respect people and love thing; on the accomplishment of being a TCM doctor, one must cultivate one’s heart: ((Ming) awareness and (Ming-De) practice virtue); virtue, can grow people and benefit thing, like heaven-earth having the virtue of grow and nourish people and thing; ((Ming)awareness, (Ming-De) practice virtue), must try utmost to cultivate virtue, (Nei-Jing), (Shang-Gu-Tong-Tian-Lun) that describes the medical skill and Tao of heart of the real people, sage, wise man, (frankness of the heart conceal it), cultivates and possesses medical, philosophical, Tao’s benevolence, and is ((Ming) awareness, (Ming-De) practice virtue), only then one can become a great TCM doctor, practices preventive medical affairs and skills,  treating patients in world who suffer from diseases before showing any sign of Yang (positive) reaction. When medical examination is only done after symptoms appear, and commence medical treatment after Yang reaction developed, this is called treatment after symptom is diagnosed and it is one step late, TCM called missing the ‘sign’ of treatment,  TCM consider that the patient is already half-dead. (on (Qing-Qing) intimate kinsfolk), intimate kinsfolk, it is not noted in Confucius (Li-Jie-Da-Xue), but recorded in (Dao-Zhuan, Da-Xue), those who cultivate and become a great TCM doctor, fully familiarize own body meridian Qi-Hua physiology, and therefore treating diseases do not use animal as experiment, instead practice and experiment with own body or intimate kinsfolk, thereafter, treating country men, and follow by people in the world, treating patients as though like treating his intimate kinsfolk, and therefore, mistake will not be made in treating the patients.  And for those mistakes made when experiment on his kinsfolk, it is because he is not fully familiarized with JingMai “Liu-Zhu-Xue”, and prompt to make mistake when “practice” or “ speak”. (on (Qing) close to (Min) folks), Min, (Shuo-Wen) it means lack of civilization, close, Qing, the left part of the Chinese character means cultivate and plant, operation, as though cut away the tree branch and new branch appears, eradicate double vision, to attain level beyond sight and able to discern things and consciousness, everyone possess universal love and freedom, volunteering and hard-working, away from indulgence in liquor and sex, and cultivates goods elements and health care and etc., to have the meaning of universal love, close to and servicing the ordinary folk. (on everything achieve goodness) it means good medicine is like political affairs, love every folks, in order that every one will acquire wisdom and knowledge and will not seek personal gains, health, strengthening one body and efforts extended is not only for personal gain, everyone live happily and with sickness.  Every philanthropist, educationist, religious leaders and other leaders, sage and every retirees who live and learn continuously, we have experienced lessons from struggle with regards to class and ideology, the history should not be repeated, and only good medicine can save the world from struggle again, wish that every one should be enlightened by refer to ancient “philosophy, I-Li”, “Out” and “In” is unified, mutually glorified for the sake of the world, servicing the public, only then our efforts are not for self interest event, our brain power are not utilized for personal gain, participate in achieving the good and perfect, try our best to care for people, save the world and heal the people, heal the world and save the people, may every one healthy!